he's nervous, but there's no need to be

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//3rd Person//
Things don't go back to normal all at once, in fact, it's slow, painfully so. Eventually, though, Kevin stops babying you, you go back to work at the game store and appear on Kevin's channel every once and a while to harass him. Okay, you appear a lot, because it's fun, really fun and Kevin's fans are really welcoming. (at least for the most part, but you don't let the assholes get you down.)

It comes as no surprise to either of you then when Kevin's fans ultimately manage to bully you into making a channel of your own. Naturally, Kevin appears on your channel a lot too, but the main guest on the channel is Mr Jickens, first name Pim, the pet rat that Kevin brought home without asking you first a couple of months after your recovery. He'd also named the rat without your input, (you wanted to call him Marshmallow) but he argued that since you said you didn't want the rat you don't get naming rights.

That's fine though, because you got the cult to slander his unoriginality when it comes to naming things when you streamed Don't Starve Together and announced the existence of the furry little being well, together.

You also got to witness Kevin screaming "Mr Jickens!" In every room of your apartment when he escaped his cage and even Kevin had to admit it was pretty hilarious. So much so that you recorded it and posted it on your Instagram story for the world to see.

You have a date night every Thursday because Kevin insists he doesn't want the "magic to die" and it's close enough to the middle of the week that restaurants and cinemas aren't swarming with families with whiny little kids. It becomes a sort of tradition at some point, it's just something normal that you always make time to do together.

That's why you don't notice at first, that one particular night is slightly different from the rest. Sure, you're slightly caught off guard when you get home from work that Thursday to find Kevin waiting in his best suit. And sure, you notice the way his grip on the steering wheel is white-knuckled an hour later when he drives you to the unknown restaurant he booked your reservation for. Well look, the restaurant might have been a little fancier than your usual, and it'll definitely take a chunk out of your paycheck, but you had to call a rain check the week before and you figure Kevin is just compensating.

It's about halfway through the meal when he's still acting a little off that it hits you, oh my god, he's going to propose, oh my god. But then, it's the end of the meal, and he hasn't proposed and you're paying your half of the bill while he sneaks a napkin full of crumbs in his pocket for Mr Jickens. The mood is weird in the car on the way back to your apartment, but then the next day comes and you'd forgotten all about it.

It's a week later when the two of you are streaming Minecraft together and you're panicking because your horse is missing when Kevin says, a little too casually "hey, y/n, have you checked down in that cave?"

You glance up from your monitor to where he's sat staring at his own beside you with a scowl, "Kevin if you kidnapped my dog I swear to god-" you begin as your character hops into the cage only to stop short when you see what's inside.

The cave is entirely hollowed out, your horse is stood in a hole at the far end and in between you and the horse, written in gold and redstone blocks is the slightly disjointed text that reads 'y/n l/n, will you marry me?' followed by a poorly drawn ring with one diamond block sat on top all lit up by torches covering every inch of the walls.

You freeze for a second, then turn to look at him in the next but he's not in his seat anymore.

He clears his throat, drawing your attention to where he's on one knee behind you with a ring box painted like a dirt block held out in front of him, "well, Y/n, will you marry me?" He asks, a clear quiver in his voice as he opens the box to reveal a gummy Haribo ring, "I was scared you wouldn't like it so I figured we'd go out and pick one together- if- if you say yes!" He grins a little awkwardly up at you as you stare down at him in shock.

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