you're scared but he won't answer

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"Oh, sorry, it's done," I mumble, handing a bowl of soup over to him, I couldn't meet his eyes. There was a chance this whole thing was an elaborate show, even if it sounds completely irrational. Even if the chance is slim. It's still there.
He noticed the way my eyes drop to the floor.

I hear him placing the bowl on the side before standing in front of me.
"Hey, babe are you okay?" He asked a concern in his voice that I'm no longer sure is real. How could I know? How could I be sure? I feel sick.

"Y-yeah, I'm just tired, I think I might go to bed for a bit" I mutter, trying to walk past him, he catches my arm in his hand. I flinch. I'm scared. I'm actually scared of him. I want Kevin. I need Kevin. I need him.

"Aren't you going to ask me if I'm okay? I'm the injured one." The tone of his voice? My heart rate speeds up, not in a good way.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry Craig, are you okay?" I meet his eyes after I finish the question and I don't like what I see. I'm not even sure what I see, there's almost just nothing there, in the look he gives me.

"I'd be fine if you told me why you're acting so weird all of a sudden baby." He answers, eyeing me. The concern in his voice makes me want to scrunch my nose up, it's so artificial. I'm stupid. So fucking stupid.

"I told you, I'm just tired, don't worry about me," I reassure him, giving him a smile to make sure he believes me. He nods, releasing my arm. I walk a little faster than necessary into the bedroom and pull out my phone, messaging Kevin.

Lifeline: Kevin I'm scared. I think you were right about this all being too convenient.

I waited ten minutes and he hadn't read it, I was worried. I know he was ignoring me but surely he'd at least check what I'd sent?

Lifeline: Kevin?

Lifeline: please answer, I don't know what to do

Still no answer. I sigh, deciding the best thing I can do is try to sleep. I somehow manage to drift off.

I groan as I somehow hear the buzz of my phone through my open office door, choosing to ignore it, mainly because I can't lift my head from its spot on the couch without the world turning fuzzy.

I feel myself drifting off when I hear a buzz, and then another. With an annoyed huff I push myself up from my seat on the couch, swinging my legs around so my feet were planted on the ground - knocking over my open bottle of whiskey in the process, not that there was much left anyway. I huff a silent curse as I struggle to stand, wobbling on my feet. I can barely see an inch in front of me, the corners of my vision still blurring out of focus. I stumble aimlessly in the direction I hope is my office, grunting when I walk face-first into a wall in the dark. I feel along the wall until my hand slips into an opening. I pull myself through the doorway, briefly squeezing my eyes shut as I try to remember why I'm in here. Then I see the blurry flashing light on what I assume is my desk.

I stagger toward it but hit something firm in my path which rolls away as I trip, leaving my face planted firmly into the ground. The fuzzy feeling in my head stops the majority of the pain from effecting me, though I know I'll feel that in the morning.

I groan, attempting to push myself up, but my arm falters under my weight, the alcohol not enough to dull the pain that spreads through my shoulder. I hiss, rolling onto my back as I stare up at the ceiling, though in the dark the way it looks resembles the ringing static sound flooding my ears. Can things look like sounds? I take a deep breath, coming to terms with the fact I'll probably end up sleeping in this spot on the floor.

That's when a wave of anxiety hits me and my breath gets caught in my throat, causing me to swallow harshly because there's only one person that would message me this late at night. And she wouldn't message me if she thought I was sleeping unless it was serious. Which means it's probably serious. What if she needs me? Why can't I push myself up?
She needs me.
She needs me.
She needs me.

What if he's hurt her?
I'll kill him.
I'll fucking kill him.

A/n~ it's 1 am and I just spilt my drink all over my floor :((

Also, thanks to Areitha_Yukii because they read my non-Kevin fics and for some reason decided my writing was good enough to read these too so <3

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