but you can't, you can't breathe

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What do I do?
What do I do?
What do I do?

"Y/n, what going on? Is that him knocking? Get away from the door, and promise me no matter what don't unlock it." His voice is a little higher than natural, panicked, he speaks so fast it's hard for me fast even process what he's saying.

"Y/n! Open the fucking door, what are you doing in there?" His voice is hard, cold, slow.

I stand, staggering backwards until my back is pressed up against the sink on the farthest wall.

"Tell him you're in the bath or something." His voice is slurred, worried, caring.

"Y/N!?" His voice makes me want to punch someone.

I can't breathe.
I can't breathe.
I can't breathe.

"Y/n?" He sounds as scared as I feel, "are you okay?"

"Is he still there?" There's a pause, and then, "Say something. Please."

The knocking on the door gets louder and louder, "Open the fucking door!" My hearts pounding, with his yelling in my one ear and Kevin's panic in my other it's overwhelming. I want to scream. But I don't.

"Y/n please, tell me what's going on." He sounds so desperate, so concerned. It's hard to believe he's really that worried about me. I'm just me.

"I-" my breath catches in my throat and I just can't bring myself to speak. The phone slips from my shaking hands and falls to the floor, I have no doubt it's broken for real this time. My hands tighten on the sink behind me for support, my knuckles turning white. The wound on my palm begins to sting due to the pressure and I feel like in going to pass out.

My vision blurs in and out of focus, my legs wobbling as the ringing in my ears gets louder and louder to block out the banging.

"Y/n I swear to God!"

What would Kevin do?
What would Kevin do?
What would Kevin do?

"I'm- I'm in the bath." I stammer, the knocking stops. The silence hurts my ears more.

I hear a sigh, "Okay baby, " there's a pause, "but can you please open the door? I'm worried about you." The sickly sweet tone to his voice makes me almost heave, because it's so fake it hurts, because I want it to be real so badly it almost kills me.

"I'll co-come out when I'm d-done." I try to put on a tone that's a mixture of happy and indifferent, though it comes out disjointed and wrong - because I can do nothing right.

I hear another sigh, "I wish I could believe you, baby, really, I do."

"W-why wouldn't you believe me?"
Please don't get in. Please.

"Where's your phone y/n? Did you take that in there with you?" fuck.

"No?" There's no point in lying. I know that, but I still try.

"I guess I didn't do a good enough job smashing it up huh?" He hisses. The spite in his voice is unnatural, so much so that he doesn't sound entirely human.

"I don't know what you're talking about-"

"Who are you talking to in there? That manwhore you think you love?"

"Manwhore? What he-"

"You're right, you're the whore, you probably didn't even tell him you had a boyfriend when you had him in our apartment huh? Poor guy getting dragged into all your bullshit, into your lies."

"Craig, what are you talking about? You know I wouldn't ever have cheated on you I-"

"You what, you love me?" He scoffs.

"I loved you, Craig, you cheated on me. Did you really think I wouldn't figure it out?" I'm not so scared anymore, just angry, and in pain. It hurts so much. It all hurts so much.

I hear him laugh, it's repulsing.

"Look at you and your fucking high horse y/n, like you never did anything wrong. That's so like you. Can't you see I'm doing all this for you?"

"For me? How is any of this for me!?" I yell, losing my cool, because how fucking dare he.

"I'm giving you the chance to spend the rest of your life with me, because we both know Kevin will leave. Hell, he'll probably cheat on you too because you're so easy to lie to. I'm trying to protect you from getting hurt by him."

"Hurt by him? You hit me!"

"You made me."

"How can you even say that!?"

"Don't yell at me."

"Fuck you!"

He snarls. He fucking snarls at me.

I hear his fist slam against the door, "what did I just say?" and again there's a bang.

"Craig please I'm sorry just- just calm down." The police must be nearly here by now, right? If I can just hold him off for a few more minutes. I'll be fine. Just a few more minutes. I can go back to Kevin. If he even wants me back.

He doesn't reply, and for a second I think he's gone, but then I hear it, a large thud on the door that makes the room shake. I squeeze my eyes shut, because he's going to get in, because he'll kill me.

"C-Craig please." I can feel myself breaking.




The splintering of wood and the way it clatters to the ground as he lunges his way though makes my eyes flash open. He's just stood there in front of me though, paused with an odd look on his face. I frown, and then I catch it too, the sound that took him off guard, sirens.

I let out a sigh of relieve and he growls, "they aren't here yet."

"Wha-" He pushes me, hard against the nearest surface he can find, my head makes a sickening thud as it hits the harsh brick wall behind me. A thud a lot sharper than the sound of the door, a thud that echoes and tremors through my skull in a way that makes me see black for a few seconds.

"You really called the fucking cops on me?"

My heart leaps up into my throat caught by something cold and tight wrapping around it. It's his hand, squeezing down, applying enough pressure on my windpipe to leave me gasping and clawing at his hand for air.

The look in his eyes is dark, empty as I meet his, lacking any life or sympathy. I barely even recognise him, the man I moved across the world for as his hand tightens and the corners of his lips curl up.

"You should know not to talk back to me y/n, " I hear him speak, his voice monotone, "and calling the cops? Well, that's just unforgivable. I can only tolerate so much of your shit."

I feel tears slip down my cheeks as my lungs burn and a loud banging on the front door catches my attention.


I can't.

I can't breathe.


A/n~ Big thanks to Velaris554 for reading and voting and stuff.

They have a really good Kevin fic that you should all read, thank you :))

(Also I'm real sick and slightly delirious so sorry if there are more mistakes than usual)

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