Wait what?

Dean and i looked at each other. Well, he looked like he liked that idea. 

I looked at Crowley "can i talk to you outside? Father"

Crowley "of course. After i finish my tea"

Then he put some sugar in his tea.


Dean "really? Father Crowley? really?"

Me "why the hell haven't you gone up in fire already?"

Crowley "i am sorry, Agent Pathetic-Has-Been-Rockstar, did i offend your delicate sensibilities? where have you been? your girl, your brother, and that idiot angel, do you know what they have been doing?"

Dean "i've heard"

Crowley "everything?"

Dean "enough. What are you doing here?"

Crowley "Same as you. I'm working a case. "

Dean looked at him confused. 

Crowley "i have sources in the Catholic Church. Nuns that owe me a favor. Priests with a taste for-"

Dean "okay, all right, yeah. I can imagine"

Crowley "you can't. Anyhow, they hear a demonic possession, they call me. If it's one of mine, i tell them to ignore it. if it's, say, a demon gone rogue, well, that's when Father Crowley comes out to play."

Dean "so, you think there's a demon in there?"

Crowley "not even a little bit. Whatever's in that house , i can taste the power radiating from it. And I'm pretty sure Elena can that too. "

I nodded "it's true"

Crowley "that thing. it's old. deep. dark. "

Suddenly we heard a scream from inside. 

We rushed inside. 

Dean "Jenna? Jenna?"

her grams was on the ground with a slit open throat. 

Crowley said shocked "wow, plot twist"

We walked upstairs. 

Dean "Jen? Jenna"

Crowley "are you kidding me?"

Dean "what?"

Crowley "we have no idea what ancient world-shattering evil we're dealing with, but go right ahead. Let 'em know we're coming!"

Dean "Listen, Velma, this isn't the Scooby Gang, okay?so either shut up, or get out"

Crowley "easy, tiger. just trying to help"

suddenly the baby started to cry. 

Dean rushed into the nursey. 

Crowley "i think of myself more as Daphne"

I rolled my eyes "more like Shaggy"

We walked to the nursey. 

Dean walked to the baby and it stopped crying. 

Crowley "that child likes you. no surprise, really. You're very maternal"

Dean "we gotta find Jenna"

In Jenna's bedroom. 

We walked inside. 

Jenna was throwing the porcelain to the ground. 

Dean "Jenna? what are you doing?"

Jenna "my gandma collected these things. But i always thought they were so blah. don't worry, she won't care. I slit open her throat. "

Dean "why did you do that?"

Crowley "Because this woman has no soul. Fascinating"

Dean "what are you talking about? is that even possible?"

Jenna "Amara's hungry. She's a growing girl"

Dean "Jenna. Listen to me. Whatever's happened, whatever is going on, we can fix it, okay?"

Jenna "but i don't wanna be fixed. I like the new me. She's a ball. "

Dean "just come with us, okay?"

She threw one of the cherub to Dean who caught it.

Then she came at him with a knife and attacked him. 

Dean grabbed her "enough"

They kept fighting. 

I felt something behind me and turned around, but there was nothing. 

Suddenly Jenna was thrown at the ceiling and the fell to the ground unconscious. 

Dean and i looked at Crowley.

Crowley shrugged "i was getting bored. "

Dean felt her neck "you killed her"

Crowley "you're welcome"

Then he went to walk out. 

Dean "where are you going?"

Crowley "to see the child that eats souls"

Dean shook his head and walked over to us "you don't get what that thing is"

Crowley "enlighten me"

Dean "I think Amara's The Darkness. "

Crowley "interesting. So, what now? you kill her? you? "

Dean shook his head  "i don't have a choice"

Crowley said amused  "please. Even if you could murder babies, you couldn't murder this baby. I saw the way you looked at her. Me on the other hand, it's not like it's be my first"

Dean "was that an offer?"

Crowley "It's a promise. Right after i'm done with her"

Dean "stay away from her"

Crowley threw against the closet "adorable Dean. I want that child. And i get what i want. You, Elena and Sam will never understand. I'm not your bloody sidekick. "

Dean stood up. 

Crowley "we've had some good times. So, i'm gonna give you one chance, just one, to walk out that door. Or i'm gonna take you apart, atom by atom. Do you understand. "

Dean stood up and looked at me. 

I threw Crowley against the wall and pinned him up against it. 

Crowley "you little bitch"

Dean walked out of the room and into the nursey. Then he came back to me. 

I looked back to Crowley who was gone. 

At the bunker. 

We walked down the stairs and turned the lights on. 

Sam "all right, i don't understand. I mean, i thought The Darkness was a woman, not a child. "

Dean shrugged "same here. i don't know, maybe whatever i saw wasn't real, maybe it was a vision. "

Sam "a vision?

Dean nodded  "yeah"

We looked around. The bunker was a mess. 

Dean "we've got to get a maid. You know, maybe you could leave. And i could get Elena a little uniform, and a really big ..."

I slapped him at the back of the head. 

Suddenly there was a noise coming from the pile of books. 

We all took our guns out and walked closer. 

Cass was lying there on the ground "help me"

Being Alive ( D.W)Where stories live. Discover now