The End of a new Start

Start from the beginning

"I have the phone and the man's name, if that helps."

"It will actually help a lot Mr. Seo."

Johnny said the phone number and Sangchul wrote it down.

"The name?"

Sangchul asked.

"Nakamoto Yuta."


"Jaehyun wait!"

Areum shouted as Jaehyun got up from the bed.


"You never told me how the interview did go."

It was true. Jaehyun never told her. Well he actually planned on telling her but never found the correct time, or at least he viewed that reason as an excuse. However this time he couldn't get away and ignore her question.

"I..." He paused. "They didn't accept me."


His wife asked.

"Because..." He couldn't tell her the truth. His eyes looked at the floor, avoiding eye-contact. "Because other candidates were more qualified than me."

He said. Which wasn't a lie, just not the complete truth either.

Areum didn't speak, she just looked at him but eventually smiled.

"It's ok baby. Their loss anyways."

Jaehyun smiled back weakly, and started getting ready for his morning job.

"Also." Areum spoke. "Eunhee apologized, she regrets talking like that to you that day."

Jaehyun's smile faded at the mention of his daughter. "Tell her that it's ok, I already forgot about it." That was a lie, and he knew that. "She's not wrong though."

"About what?"

"About never being there for her."

Jaehyun admitted.

"It's not your fault babe."

But it was. At least that's what he thought. But he couldn't let Areum know that.

"You're right."

Was the only thing he said, before he continued getting ready for his job.



The teacher shouted, making everyone in the class look at him.

"Yes sir?"

"This is the fifth time I tell you to stop talking."

"Actually..." Haechan said. "This is the seventh time, you lost the count, but it's ok sir!"

The teacher just looked him angrily.

"Well now that I think about it maybe it's not, the veins on your forehead say otherwise."

The whole class started laughing.

"Mr. Lee did you forget again to take your sedatives?"

The class laughed even harder.

"That was the last straw Donghyuck go to the principal right now!"

He said and Haechan got up from his chair.

"This class was boring anyways."

He announced under his breath when he exited the classroom.

Now, Haechan was waiting out of the principal's office, thinking better he really underestimated Mr. Lee's class. It was even more boring outside of the office. He didn't know how much time he waited. Probably not as long as he thought.

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