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Kyles POV
I walked into the lunch room feeling rather,happy.

I no longer worry about Stan,I have a thing going on with David,Kenny and Cartman agreed to stay away from my personal life.

Things are overall going great.Except for one thing,Tweek and Craig.Ive talked with Tweek over the weekend and he seems really upset.

Plus this morning I didn't see him so I texted him asking where he was and he told me today was the day he and Craig bought stripe,their guinea pig,so he was taking a break and is going to come around 7th period.

He said he needed some time alone today.It's really starting to feel weird without them two together.

So I devised a plan I just need Cartman and Kenny in on it.

I sat down at the table placing my tray down.They seemed to be in a deep conversation when they noticed me."There you are Kyle,are you going to TP match tonight?"

TP match is a yearly tradition.Ever since 1997,the whole school gets together and Toilet paper all the teachers houses.Being a junior,it's going to be my third year going.

My mom hates it since she believes it's disrespectful,but I mean,the teachers and principal don't mind plus it's tradition.That doesn't mean she still lets me go though.So every year on TP match night,I just say I'm going to cartmans.

Incase my mom calls over to make sure,Cartman got Liane to lie for me.I'm really grateful for that.

Stan did it with us freshman year,but last year he decided to do it with Wendy that time.My whole plan to get Tweek and Craig back together revolved around TP match.

"Duh,What time is it?" I asked picking up my sloppy joe taking a bite."The whole schools meeting at starks pond at 5,the seniors are going to be passing out bags of toilet paper."

"Yeah,my moms lending me her car so I could pick you guys up around 4:30 and we could get there early."Cartman told me basically gulping down his sloppy joe.

I smile."Awesome." As we were eating Kenny looked at me as if he got a great idea."I know,why don't we get David to come?So you know,we could get to know him."I smile a bit.

"You guys are really going to give him a chance,no coming in between?" Cartman and Kenny both shared a nod."Promise." Kenny smiled.

"Hey guys,are you discussing your plans for TP match without me?" Stan joked around while sitting down next to me.Kenny and Cartman looked at each other as if they knew something I didn't.I rose my brow suspiciously eyeing them looking at Stan.

"Hey Stan,And yeah we already talked about how we are going to do it." Stan nodded then shifted in his chair.

"So,how was your date with the lucky..guy?" He awkwardly asked me scratching the back of his ear.

I laughed a bit nervously."It went great actually...I'm inviting him to TP match tonight,y'know as a second..'friendly' date.Plus Cartman and Kenny really want to meet him." I smile a bit while pointing at the two.

Stan nodded."yeah,last night you guys were friendly alright.." he mumbled shifting in his seat causing me to widen my eyes a bit."Y-You saw us?.." by now Cartman and Kenny were watching as if this was a tv drama come to life.They sipped through the straws which lead inside their milk carton.

"Uh yeah,I saw you guys but don't worry I won't say anything.I don't really mind.Hey..Uh..weird question,what's his name?" He asked me running his fingers through his hair.

I turn a bit red at the thought of his name."Oh...David Rodriguez..?" Stan nodded while taking a fry from cartmans plate placing it in his mouth while leaning back onto his chair.

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