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"Hey Kyle-"


"Kinny shut up and leave my lunchbox alon-"


"Bit- oh hey Craig and Tweek."

I'm gonna fucking kill him.

I glance up at craig and Tweek who were now standing by me,Cartman,and Kenny at my locker.

I didn't even notice them all walk up to me.

This weekend I did not hear anything from Stan,no apology,no happy birthday at least,nothing.I am pissed.When I see stan I'm going to beat the living hell out of him but I bet he would overtake my skinny ass right away.

"Hey Kyle."Tweek smiled giving me a tight side hug.I swear Tweek loves hugging.

I watch Cartman and Kenny argue back and forth as Craig listened too occasionally saying a few things to keep the argument going.

To me it's annoying when they argue but to Craig it seems amusing.

"You okay,you seem out of it." Tweek asked as I smile a bit nodding looking down at my hands fiddling with my fingers."yeah,it's just..."

Tweek chuckles a bit."You can tell me kyle,is it about Stan?" I take a deep breath to calm my anger down and nod.

"Yeah,he's my best friend and he couldn't even be bothered to at least say hi,or happy birthday.And it hurts,I've been there for every game,every break up he's had with Wendy,every sad moment and he couldn't even come to one important day for me."

I sigh angrily banging myself against the locker.Tweek laughed a bit leaning next to me.

"Kyle,you need to start thinking of yourself from now on,you can't depend on Stan." I quickly snapped my head to look at Tweek.

"I do think about myself." I pointed out defensively.Tweek rose a brow crossing his arms.

"Why are you wearing that outfit?" I huffed looking away from him.

"Because stan bought me this shirt last year and he liked these shoes.." Tweek smiled."Exactly what I mean.Just because stan likes something doesn't mean you have to like it too.Do you really like that shirt?"

I sighed."No...but it was the thought that counts,even if his fashion taste is shit.." I mumble.Tweek grinned.

"Okay,that's it,me and you are hanging out today after school,no Cartman and Kenny,no Craig and Stan,no one just us.Im going to help you think about yourself and to forget about stan."

I looked at him raising my brow."Dont look at me like that."He laughed playfully wrapping his arm around me.

"You need a break from your friends for a day anyways,i know you're best friends but you need to have time for yourself,I bet you know Cartman and Kenny more than you know yourself."He teased.

I let out a small laugh."Yeah,I think you're right,I should have some me time for once." I smile.

Tweek grinned clapping excitedly."Great!I cant wait.Craig?"

Tweek looked over and instantly stopped what he was doing giving a glare.I rose my brow and look over to see kenny on Craig's back trying to hit Cartman.

Cartman tried protecting his face as Craig stood in between them trying to get kenny off his back to calm them down.

He must have accidentally pushed their playful arguing.

You belong to me ~style~(Completed)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat