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Me and David both sat down together in the middle of the movie theatre.He held onto our popcorn and candy as I held onto our drinks.

I handed him his drink as he handed me my sugar free candy.We both give eachother smiles and turn to the screen watching some of the trailers.

As we were watching it we heard some small voices coming from the row behind us.Curious,we both turned back to see an old large woman and a skinny old guy sitting down behind us.

They looked strangely familiar but they were probably old neighbours or something.They seemed to notice us look at them due to their whisper arguing because the old woman smiled at me.

"Hey there sugar,nothing to see here."Her voice sounded weirdly deep,like a grown man trying to make his voice deeper.It sounded very raspy too,not sweet and gentle or anything.

I only give her a small smile and turn around awkwardly.I look at David who held in a laugh causing me to laugh quietly too.

A bit later the movie finally started and I couldn't wait.I read the reviews about this movie and they are great.As the intro was starting David wrapped his arm around me causing me to smile a bit at him.

He smiled back and dipped his hand in the popcorn bucket grabbing some munching on it.When he wrapped his arm around me I could hear some whispering behind us but I think it's just homophobic people.

I dip my hand in the bucket to grab some when he dipped his in too.

Our hands ended up meeting turning my cheeks red.He just gave me a small grin curling his fingers against my palm making my heart beat a bit faster.

Before he could do anything else a random purse flew into the back of his head falling to the floor.

"Sorry,this old hag doesn't know how to grip onto things right." The old man told us as the old woman made a small giggle."Sorry dears."

"Uh,its alright ma'am." David reassured smiling reaching down to grab it when the old man stopped him."No,no I got it.Just let me-.."

Instead of going around us the old man climbed in between us causing David to remove his arm to give the guy more access.

This may come off as rude but these old people are starting to annoy me.As I look at the old man I could see a small strand of blond hair from the bottom of his neck,but that could be some of his young hair that never turned gray..or something..

I don't know I'm bad at science.I ignore it and give the man a fake smile as he backs away with the bag."Alright,you two go along your night now."He nods sitting back down as the old woman smiles at us.

"What the fuck-.." I hear the mans faint whispering to the woman as they continue to whisper argue.

I roll my eyes a bit secretly looking back at the movie.

It started to get weird though because everytime David would try holding my hand or getting anywhere near me something involving the old couple would happen.

I'm starting to lose my fucking mind.Those two are ruining my first date EVER with a guy.Once the movie ended I just wanted to go far away from these old people with David so we could continue our night.

As we were leaving,David being the nice gentlemen The is smiles at the old woman."Ma'am would you like any help?" He asked taking her arm.I smiled at his generosity.

It quickly changed to worry though when the woman smacked him hard in the shoulder with her purse."Oops sorry darling that was my fault.I can handle myself."She say battering her eyes walking out.

As the two are walking out I notice something.On their wrist were small bands that I know only two people wore.

Cartman and Kenny.About 5 years ago my mom took me,Cartman,Kenny,and Stan to sea world.There me and stan decided to get matching necklaces.

Cartman and Kenny felt left out so they went inside the gift shop and both got eachothers favorite colors.Yellow and red.

Ever since then those two have always worn those bracelets.David walks up to me saying something but out of anger I ignore him and storm up to the two.

I grab their arms pulling them back.I notice they were both wearing wigs so I took them off revealing their hair.

"Heyyy Kyle..." Kenny smiled nervously.


I push the two outside to the parking lot with David following behind me."Explain."I demand.

Cartman sighs."Dude it's your first gay date,we couldn't just leave you there all by yourself.What if he tried something?"

Kenny nodded."Yeah,what if he has like...a disease or something and he wanted to give it to you..like..HIV!" He pointed out.

David stood up with his arms crossed."Uh..for the record I'm perfectly clean.Ive never kissed or done anything with anyone before,kyles my first.."

Kenny and cartman both shared looks then looked back at him."Really?" Cartman said not convinced.

"You're a junior and you haven't even done anything with a girl?Especially with those looks?Damn that's sad." Kenny shook his head tsking.Cartman agreed as David just awkwardly stepped back behind me.

"Guys!I don't need you here to watch over me while I'm on a fucking date!I don't need you guys at all.So just leave!" I yell pinching the bridge of my nose.

Kenny sighed."Kyle-"

"Just go!" I shout turning around trying to calm myself down.After What seems like forever,I finally heard footsteps walking away.
Me and David walked in silence down the sidewalk as he walked me to my house.

"Your friend are unique." He jokes.I look at him and sigh."You arent..mad they ruined our first date?.." I ask as he laughed finally reaching my house.

He stopped in front of me taking a hold of my hands."Dude,I don't care.For all I know they could ruin my whole family business and it still wouldn't change how I feel towards you." My face warmed up as I stared up at him.

"I care about you Kyle,a lot.Hell im willing to get to know your friends even if they are kinda douchebags." He jokes.I laugh moving my hair from my eyes.

"I like you a lot Kyle,and I would really love to do this again." He places his hand on my chin picking my head up to meet his eyes.

He gives me a small smile and leaned in kissing me on the lips.I felt my heart explode.

I always thought my first kiss would be with Stan,but judging by the way our friendship seems to be headed I don't think that would be the case anytime soon.

David's lips were soft,and seemed to know what they were doing despite his claims of never kissing before.I wrap my arms around his neck as he pulled me deeper into the kiss.

Once he finally pulled away I could see from the corner of my eye a shadow from a window above.

I quickly look up to see Stan's curtains shutting.Hopefully he didn't see this and tells someone.

"I'll see you tomorrow Kyle,goodnight.Adios." He grins kissing my cheek before walking away.I rub my cheek as he walked away feeling my heart beat faster then ever before.I smile widely and walk inside my house.It was pretty late so I'm sure my family's asleep.

I walk up to my room and happily change into some joggers and an old shirt.

I jump on my bed staring up at my ceiling thinking of mine and David's kiss.To me it was magical,I always hear people saying 'life isn't a fairytale'.Well if that's the case why did I feel like I was in one?

(I know this is short but I really wanted to write the date scene.)

You belong to me ~style~(Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora