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A LOT HAS HAPPENED IN THE PAST FEW DAYS FOR THE SALVATORE SIBLINGS. First they had to deal with their newly turned vampire, Vicki Donovan.

She almost attacked Tyler Lockwood and they managed to intervene, forcing her to stay at the Boarding House until she learned control. But Damon was careless and decided to teach her of her newfound speed, causing her to run away under his supervision. They had to track her to the Halloween party that the Mystic Falls High School was hosting.

Vicki almost killed the Gilbert siblings, but Evie was quick to stop the druggie, throwing her away from them and towards Stefan, who staked her. Upon Elena's request, Damon compelled the boy to forget about what had happened that night.

Then came Stefan's birthday. His best friend, Lexi, came into town for the event, which annoyed Evie as they didn't get along well. Stefan liked to say it was because they had 'clashing personalities' but Evie knew it was because they were nearly the same, the only difference being Lexi's need to do good.

Damon had his twin convince Caroline to throw a party at the Mystic Grill, in honor of Stefan. At the party, he killed Lexi to get the council off their backs, without telling Evie previously of his plans. Not that it mattered, seeing as she didn't like her.

Now, Evie sat at a table in the Mystic Grill across from Jeremy after picking him up from school. After disagreeing to attend high school again, she spent the day at the house, bored until Jeremy called asking for a ride and dinner.

A man sitting a few tables away caught Evie's eye. She smirked, admiring the view. "I like a man who can dine alone. A quiet strength."

Jeremy turned to see who had caught her eye and let out a laugh when he recognized the man. "That, is my new history teacher. I can introduce you."

Evie faced the boy across from her with a playful smile, her eyebrows furrowing. "And what makes you think I want to pursue him?"

The boy looked between his friend and new history teacher, a silent confirmation taking place in his head before he nodded.

"I'm calling it now. You two are meant to be."

After receiving their meals and listening to Jeremy talk about Evie's new 'soulmate,' the girl saw the very same man stand and approach their table.

Jeremy greets his teacher, the two sharing a fist bump with a chuckle. Alaric turned his attention to the girl sitting across from his student, sending her a smile.

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