9. Dennis

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2 years later...

"Little Dennis is a year old, now, wow!" Johnny smiled. Everyone had applauded when Mavis set the cake with a number-1-candle down in front of their son. The wolf pups sat at the table with him and the adults all around. The boy had his father's curly red hair and Mavis' heart-shaped face and blue eyes. He was rather cute, one must say.

Dennis blew a raspberry when blowing the candle, and his mother, who was right beside her son, laughed. "Nice, yeah, cute kid." The candle said after being covered in saliva and walking off of the cake.

"Okay," Mavis picked up Dennis, "time for presents, guys." She set him down by the pile.

"All...right!" Murray came spinning in by Frank, Wayne, Griffin and Irene. He jumped to his feet, the wolf-pups at their feet dispatching. The mummy grabbed Wayne in a headlock and noogied his chin, making the werewolf pant. "Let's do this boy up!" He leapt to the Invisibles and Frank, grabbing the larger Stein. "Check out what I got him! Bling!" He held out a gold medallion.

"Wow. Is it cursed?" Wayne awed.

"Super cursed. Only the best! Straight from the crypt."

"If he doesn't want it, can I have it?" Irene asked. "It's gorgeous. Erratic curse or just one?"

"Like I said: the best!" Murray grinned.

"Uh, he's just starting to walk," Johnny pointed out nervously, "so maybe it's heavier than-" Murray paid no notice and Dennis fell flat on his face and began crying his eyes out.

Drac picked him up. "Oh, you're okay, Denisovich." He smiled.

Johnny's father intervened. "His name is Dennis, named after my father."

Drac turned and said in singsong, "It's not his vampire name." He briefly set his cheek on Dennis' head, looking at his grandson in adoration. He tickled the boy's face: "My little Denisovichy-Weesovichy." He cradled the redheaded boy once he started to giggle.

"Huh." Johnny's mother said. "Are we sure he's a vampire? I mean, not that it's a bad thing, but... shouldn't he have fangs and that pasty skin that you guys have?" 

"Excuse me?" Irene's hips were askew, arms crossed and a brow raised. He made her self visible. "Not all vampires have pasty skin. Get your facts right, before you say anything, dollface." She growled. "And the Vampire Gene overrules the Human Gene, thus if he already has human genes, he'll be a vampire."

"And technically, you have until you're five to get your vampire fangs." Wayne said.

"Oh, he'll get his fangs. He's a Dracula." Drac bounced Dennis.

"He's also half Loughran." Johnny's dad said, holding a figurine in front of him. "Maybe he'd be better off where we live. There's more humans there."

"What? Look how well he's playing with the wolf pups." Drac set the boy down and the two pups took no notice. Dennis licked his toy to copy them licking the necklace.

"We have a present and I hope it's acceptable." Eunice handed the box to Drac.

"'My first Guillotine'." Drac read with adoration. "Very educational. Well-played, Frank." The Stein hugged his wife.

"It's great. Thank you. We just have to baby-proof that." Mavis worried, snatching it and opening a drawer. "Johnny! Do you know where you put the rubber guards?" Johnny rushed to her.

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