8. Mavis and Johnny('s wedding)

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The web weaved by the spiders read 'CONGRATULATIONS, MAVIS and JONATHON'. It was their wedding, the staff were setting up and the guests were getting ready. Despite being freshly set down, the white roll of carpet for the aisle was now dirty. It was soon cleaned.

'I'm in Love with a Monster' was playing. It was a beautiful song.

"Congratulations, Drac." The yeti shook the Count's hand. Frank courted Eunice. She wore a blinding leopard-print dress. "Holy smokes, every-bodies here!"

"Mr. and Mrs. Loughran, the parents of the groom, and family." One of the knights introduced, startling them. Everyone stared as they walked on the carpet.

"Mom and dad!" Johnny embraced them. "I can't believe you're all here!"

Soon, photos were continuously taken. Johnny, his brother and the best men; Blobby and Backpack. The bridesmaids; Mavis' room's shrunken head (who was strung on a coat stand with a hot pink dress on a hanger, so it looked like she was wearing it), Johnny's creeped-out close relative and one of the monsters from the hotel.

The final photo was the Bride and groom and their members of family, excluding anyone from Mavis' side apart from Drac and Irene. Johnny held his two main vampires close, and, when the photo was taken, it looked like he was holding nothing with a floating black bouquet in front of him.

Time passed, and everyone was in their seats. Murray was ecstatic over his date. "You, how hot is my date?" He pointed over his shoulder. There was an empty seat between Irene and Griffin, who was by Murray. Wayne was on Irene's right, Wanda beside him as well as the pups Frank was behind them.

"So hot, wow." Griffin said. Murray grinned and sat back. "How 'bout how hot mine is?"

"You got a date?" The group all looked at the empty seat.

"Yeah." Griffin said, as if it was obvious. "She's invisible, that's why you can't see her."

"Oh, right," Frank grinned, "is this the one from 'Canada'?" He used air quotes.

Griffin hushed him. "Sh, wedding's starting."

"He's pulling the same trick as you, fool," Murray smirked, whispering to Irene.

"Why do you think I haven't said anything yet?" She joked.

"I can hear you! And so can she! You and I were never gonna happen, anyway. Just a pre-Zing." Griffin whispered.

"Yeah, yeah, sure. You go get 'er, tiger!"

"Sh, it's actually starting." Wanda shushed.

One of the brothers seemed grossed that he was being walked down the aisle by the purple monster bridesmaid. A young witch gave the she-monster a thumbs up. She was quite an attractive, busty monster. She nodded at the man, making a gagging noise and pointing to the back of her throat.

Next was a little girl, the flower girl. Everyone awed until the werewolf pups got her. She barely staggered out of their mauling alive.

The spotlight was on Mavis as she walked. Her dress was as dark as the night and her veil as fine and soft as the most brilliant spider's silk. The group of friends and their wives/dates all gushed. Especially Drac.

At the altar, Johnny gave Mavis her ring and she his. As they went to kiss for the ceremony, Drac used his power to put the bridesmaid-shrunken-head in between their lips. They looked at him and he smiled awkwardly. He pinched his fingers together and they gave each other a peck on the lips instead of what should have been passionate and romantic. Everyone clapped, but Dracula stood and whooped. His friends gave him a look.

For the party, one of the gibberish speaking monsters gave a speech. Johnny's family didn't get it at all, but the rest of the hotel and Johnny himself all welled up and applauded. "True, so true, Marty!" At the family table, Johnny held his goblet up. Everyone awed. The redhead's parents gave one another a perplexed look.

When the crystal-white cake was cut, the sweet desert screamed in pain and fright. The slice did the same, freaking out the brothers and one of their significant others when it was placed in front of them. When they all had a piece in front of them, they hopped to the end of the table and wailed for their 'mama'.

Soon, the dancing came around. Griffin tried dancing with thin air, seeing as it was a couples' dance. Irene grinned and held his hands. "Surely you could leave your date for just a moment." She pulled him into a dance. "We don't have to be a couple to just dance." Griffin gulped.

Blobby gestured for Johnny's mother to dance wit him. "Oh, my. Look at you." She tried hard not to grimace. She was sucked inside of him and he stopped swaying. "Oh, my gosh." Johnny pulled her back out. "Oh." The piece of slime that was in her hair, Blobby pulled out and stuffed back inside of him.

Soon, the dance floor was cleared for just Mavis and Johnny. Soon, The mother of the groom came and the father of the bride did, too. They took their children and danced with them. Dracula and Mavis waltzed up the wall and danced on the ceiling, above the two humans.

"Is it everything you wanted, my little poisonberry?" Drac purred and twirled her gently.

"Oh, it is, daddy." She placed her head on his chest. "Except, where's Grandpa Vlad?" She looked up at her father questionably.

"Honey, your gramps would not have been cool with this." He smiled as they danced by the crystal chandelier. "He's old-school."

Mavis was twisted around again. "How do we know? If he could just meet Johnny-"

"He would have eaten him." Drac grinned.  "He's not as enlightened as your hip daddy."

"So, you're really okay with him not being a monster?" Mavis double-checked.

"Human, monster, unicorn. As long as you're happy." He tilted her chin.

"Thanks, dad," she smiled.

Soon, the dance faded into Dracula playing the ukulele and singing gingerly: "And you'll always be my moonlight, but now on wings of love you soar... now that you're Johnny's girl," the couple pressed their heads together. "Johnny's girl, and kind of daddy's, too. Your mom would be so happy, 'cause she always knew... Love is making room for all the best in you." As he strummed the final chords, everyone applauded. The bridesmaid-monster hugged onto the single brother and began smooching him to stop her crying.

As Bigfoot cried, a humongous tear fell on Johnny's mother. She gasped for air, and her husband handed her a tissue awkwardly.

"Great, isn't it? Out of the group, you and I are the only ones single. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?" Irene sipped her champagne.

"Yeah, I'm not single." Griffin said, still at the charade.

"Still going with it, are you?" Irene grinned. "Okay, two can play at that game."

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