6. Getting him back

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Every monster was at the lobby, demanding their money back. Wayne checked out the bill. "What's this minibar charge?" He asked his wife.

"Honey, the kids threw the minibar out the window." She said. Their kids savaged everything on the front desk.

"And that's our fault?" He exclaimed.

"Well.." she whispered.

"Excuse me! Pardon, yeah." Murray scurried through the crowd, two boxes on his shoulders. He slammed them on the desk. "Excuse me, I got a couple of people to express mail."

Dracula swooped down in his bat form. "Friends, please, stop." He pleaded.

"It's too late, rat-bat!" Murray yelled.

He landed in his normal for. "Please, I'm begging you. I need you to help me find Johnny."

"The human?" Wayne checked. "He could've killed us!"

"He touched my guitar!" Murray added. Irene and Griffin were either side of him.

"He put his hand in my mouth to see if it would disappear." Griffin said crossly.

"Then why'd you let him?" Irene sternly asked.

"He let me eat his scooter!" The old Gremlin lady shook. The monsters behind her gasped.

"I know I lied." Drac said. "I was wrong." He admitted and put his hands on his chest. "But you have to believe this: Johnny wasn't a bad guy. The truth is, I don't even know if humans are bad anymore." Everyone was wide-eyed and gave one another looks. "Frank, come on, buddy, you understand." He touched one of the boxes.

"He's not talking to you." Eunice, in the other box that was strapped up, said. "First you tell us humans are bad, now they're good. What else? Up is down, cold is hot, gremlins don't smell."


Frank lifted his head out. His hand held his chin, quite literally. "I really liked Johnny, cousin or no. He told fun stories."

"I think they Zinged." Dracula confessed from behind the desk.

"They Zinged?" Wayne and Wanda asked.

"But I got in the way." Drac revealed.

Frank sobbed. "You only Zing once in your life." Electricity visibly ran through him.

Eunice held her head out of her box. "Oy, now you're short-circuiting."

"I don't care!"

"Well, what are we doing? Let's get Johnny. Come on!" Griffin exclaimed. Drac smiled hopefully.

"Yeah, let's do it!"

The gang (being Griffin, Irene, Drac, Wayne, Murray and Frank) rushed through the doors and into a car. They zipped through the underground tunnels and exited in the forest.

"Okay, okay, where am I going?" Griffin asked. He was driving. Frank and Wayne were in the back, Murray was in the right front seat and Irene was squished in between Griffin and the vampire.

"The human world." Drac said. "Before Johnny's gone forever."

"But what about the sun?" Murray queried.

"I don't know. I'll just have to... roll."

"He just rolls." Wayne rolled his eyes, "Rollability."

"Hopefully, if the humans are good like you and Johnny say they might be, then they might help us." Irene stated. "I'm not as sensitive, but I remember my last encounter with the sun. It was with Van Hellsing." She shuddered.

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