Teachers: Jungkook 💟

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Another collab with hobie_bae, in fact any updates for a while are gonna be collabs because we come up with so many ideas. Anyway I know what you're thinking another Jungkook one? Well this one is because of Jungkook's recent upload on twitter and gave us teacher vibes and we were dying to write this up despite being in the process of already writing one. Anywho enjoy!

Word Count: 6K


"Koo we have classes, let me go." You whine, giggling as he back hugs you and peppers kisses to your neck and cheek when you walk towards the school building. He pouts, shaking his head.

"I don't even want to let you go ma'am you were sick this morning you should be at home" Jungkook huffs, pulling you closer and swaying you, ignoring the students that walk past and giggle.

You laugh and shake your head, smiling to yourself at the thought of his reaction when he finds out you're pregnant.

"Well sir, I'm perfectly fine I promise I'll come get you if I feel worse." You tease him as he frowns at you.

"Not funny" He pouts and kisses your lips. Letting go of you but holding your hand, intertwining your fingers as you both walk into the building.

"Morning Mr and Mrs Jeon! Being lovey dovey as always?" The students laugh as you both walk past and you shake your heads, smiling and sticking your tongues out playfully at them before you reach where you part.

"Well I'll see you at lunch good luck with your classes, try not to pull your hair out when they mess with the pianos." You giggle, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"You don't burn your pretty skin with any of those chemicals" Jungkook raises a brow as he holds your waist and pecks your lips before hugging you and swaying you both.

"I won't don't worry." You smile, rubbing your nose against his, fixing his glasses and tie before patting his chest. "I've got to go, I don't want to be late for my students. I love you." You coo, kissing his lips again.

"I love you too" Jungkook kisses your temple as you both bid each other goodbye and go along to teach your classes for a day.

You begin to set up for your classes and smile when the first class of the day enters, the class clown smiles cheekily at you.

"Are we blowing anything up today miss?" He says and you chuckle, shaking your head.

"You wish Yeonjun, I actually need your guy's help." You say as the class settles.

"So as you know I'm married to the annoying music teacher, Mr Jeon." You tease making them laugh at you.

"And well last week I found out I'm pregnant and I need you guys to help me to tell him." You giggle shyly as they gasp and clap, congratulating you.

"This is exciting! What should we do? Do you have any ideas?" One of the students leaned forward in her chair excitedly with a big smile.

"Mr Jeon is going to freak out" Yeonjun teases, making the kids laugh.

"Do you think he's going to have a baby as good looking as him?" Chae-rim whispers as the girls giggle quietly in agreement to themselves but you manage to hear them and let out a laugh.

"I heard that." You laugh, pointing at them teasingly as they blush and the students laugh at them.

"Okay I had an idea, I have these pacifiers and bottles, when you have class for him I want you to leave them around his class room and make sure these tags that are on them are on show because they have hints towards me and hopefully he'll figure it out, if not, just drag him here and yell at him." You chuckle and they nod, whispering amongst each other.

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