"Yeah dad I am very serious. By the way, we both are going on a date...when you finally absorb the shock, pass my message to mom and nonna also."
And with that I hung up.


He was gently playing with my hair, slowly trying to untangle them from one another. And the way he was focused one could say, he's going through an important business deal.
I was amused as well as ecstatic. Who knew one day we will be so close to each other? Like this.

Our reverie broke when someone knocked on my room's door. Ofcourse it's Stephan.
"Erica! Here's a parcel in name of Sir Eric."

I stood up immediately, while keeping a finger on his mouth.
"You don't have to speak and announce you are in my room!", I whispered to him.
"Stephan is not a fool Erica! He knows everything."
"But we don't have to be shameless!"

I went towards the door, and opening it a little, I took the parcel from Stephan..and offered him a smile.

Just before I could close the door, we heard a loud, "Thank you Stephan!"

Stephan chuckled and left. I was left standing on the door, blushing red!

This asshole!
"When did you start saying 'thank you'??", I seethed.

He smirked, "From today! Since you're adopting my traits, I should adopt yours!"
And then a sweet grin, that vanished my anger in thin air.
He knows! He knows what my weakness is!

"Check your dress now!"

I looked at the parcel in my hand, which was a huge box.
Keeping it on the bed, I opened the lid, and before me was the most beautiful dress I ever saw.

An exceptionally beautiful dress, of rose pink colour with a black net adorning the pink. The waist of the dress was marked with a red ribbon.
I was smiling so huge. When I took it in my hand, the cloth was so delicate, i wanted to just treasure it in my closet forever.

"This is lovely Eric!!", I squealed.
He smiled, "I saw it in a store yesterday. They said it's already bought. I just had to do some threatening, blackmailing and glaring. And the dress was mine!....I mean yours!"

I laughed, "You are so crude Eric! But that is probably the best thing you can be!"

I looked back at the dress, but this time I noticed something and that made me frown.

"What happened Erica?"
"It is off shoulder Eric!"
I looked up, "I can't wear it. It will show my marks."
"So what is wrong with that? It's not like I have not seen them before!"
I sighed, "It will look horrible Eric! It's our first date...and I don't want you to get disgusted looking at me and people giving me scornful looks!"

He cocked his head to the side, "We are not having this talk again Erica! If I brought this dress for you, then I know what I am doing. And I started adoring you after I saw your marks. You need to hide them from others not me!
I know you like offshoulder dresses but you don't wear them because of your insecurities. It's fine...but with me you are not going to hide yourself!"

I tried to protest, but the stern expression on his face told well he wouldn't take no for an answer.

"I have one file to check. We'll meet downstairs at 7! Don't do much...you look pretty in the most simplest way!", He kissed my forehead and then left the room.

I sighed and sat on the bed staring at the dress.


When I said the dress was pretty, it was an understatement. As I stood in my heels, the dress trailed down beautifully, elegantly hugging my curves. I tied my hair in a loose bun, with few hair strands spilling out framing my face.
But I couldn't help grimace at how my marks spoiled the beauty of the dress.
They were as if peeping out from the dress to make me feel horrendous.

I was still looking horrible. Very horrible!

Eric should have never asked me to go.
It was past 7 but I had no guts to go down. How can I with shit like body!

Tears were beginning to cloud my eyes.
I was feeling devastated when I heard someone.

"Oh god! You can't go out like this!", I heard his amazed voice.
Or I shall say disgusted.

"I know!", You don't have to rub that on my face.

He came in, "Yeah! You can't look that desirable while there would be so many men staring at you looking like that. I want to be your date, not your bodyguard!"

I turned and looked at him puzzled, "Eric we can always cancel!" I then pointed towards my bare shoulders, "You see! It looks horrible!"

He narrowed his eyes at me, "If you don't want to go with me, you can straight away refuse! That's no way to criticize that part of your body which I love the most!"


"Erica! Why do you need to be so insecure!? Who do you need to impress? Me! Why the fuck you have to care about the world? You have me! Let them do the shit they want! I should be the only one who should matter to you! Believe me you will never be afraid of going out with those marks!"

I looked down ashamed. Feeling defeated.

I felt my chin being held and my face lifted for him, "You don't dare to look down with that expression when I'm with you!"

He then started removing his jacket, and I thought for a moment that he considered us not going at all.
But all thoughts vanished in thin air when he draped it on me, "I am giving you this jacket with the promise that when we'll be alone, you will give it back to me!"

Relieved at finally being covered, I nodded in promise.

He then took my hand and we came down.

"By the way, you are looking very beautiful in this dress!", He commented while looking at his phone.
Guess what? Mr. Eric Ashton is feeling awkward while complimenting me.

The thought made me chuckle, and he looked at me cocking an eyebrow as if asking what is so amusing.

I leaned forward and kissed his cheek, "You don't look too bad yourself!"

His lips twitched a little, "I am handsome! And that's an understatement...I am better than Adonis himself!"

I rolled my eyes, "Aren't you too full of yourself!? You are just okay-okay!"

"Okay-okay? What does that mean?"

God don't punish me for calling him okay okay! Because for me he is actually better than Adonis! Heck better than all the men out there!

"That means I have seen better!"

"Ah! Then you forget that 'better'! Because all you've got is me now!....."
All I want is you silly!- I wanted to tell him, but who would want to raise his already dinosaur size ego!

".....and I'll make sure you don't have to desire for more Miss. Miller!"

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