The Skilled Samurai

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(episode starts with Satoshi talking to his teammates)

(Satoshi is looking at his melon lockseed until Kaki called him)

Kaki: Hey Satoshi! Have you been listening?

Satoshi: Huh? Wha?

Mamane: Satoshi, we're you even listening what we said?

Satoshi: No, I was just thinking.

Citron: Thinking of what?

Satoshi: It's about Ryoji.

Eureka: Huh? Is he that good?

Dent: Well, he's back with his team and took part in the showdown battle tournament. Have you thought about it?

Satoshi: Maybe, it's been weeks since he came back to his team.

Takeshi: Hey, is Rena and Asuka free?

Kasumi: Again with the girls, Takeshi?

Takeshi: But.

Masato: But Satoshi, have you decided?

(Satoshi remain silent as he thought whether he's joining or not)

Haruka: Well, have you thought of that?

Satoshi: Well, if he's joining in, I'll too join in the tournament.

Hikari: Hey, if you made it in the finals and if you face Ryoji in the finals, then what?

Satoshi: Well, I would ask him to go easy on me, I mean he's strong, he even beat Genm.

Iris: Wait, first you're joining the tournament and now you're saying to go easy on you, you're such a kid.

Satoshi: I'm not a kid.

Serena: But Satoshi, just handle him carefully.

Mao: Oh Serena, you eventually cared about Satoshi.

Serena: Shut up, like you cared about Satoshi?

Mao: Say that again.

Suiren: Hey Satoshi, why don't use the other lockseeds?

Satoshi: You think, melon is the only lockseed I have.

Lillie: But, if Ryoji or the Rider Police has created the new rider system, will you use that chance?

Satoshi: Well, it's only matter of time that I'll get used to.......

(then his screen gone in a glitch then Poppy Parisa appears in Satoshi's room)

Poppy: That's a good trip.

Satoshi: P-P-Poppy?

(then they boys especially Kaki were shocked to see Poppy and Mao and Serena were looking at Poppy at an unsual look)

Mao and Serena: Who's that girl?!

(then the boys and the girls decided to leave them alone)

Citron: We better get going.

Team Monsters: Yeah!

Kaki: Wait, Poppy.....

Eureka: Eh, but I want to.....

(then they disconnected not letting Eureka and Kaki to finish)

Satoshi: How would I explain this?

Mao and Serena: Explain why she's in your room?

Satoshi: Well, just give me a minute.

(then he talk to Poppy)

Satoshi: What is it? Poppy.

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