The Reveal Truth

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(showing clips from the previous episode)

Gai/narrating: I'm Touma Gai, also known as Kamen Rider Lazer. I joined Team Gamers to fight with my childhood friends, Ryoji, Jetta and Daigo with the showdown battle. I'll won the race with Ryoji against Motors and was about to get the trophy until Genm stole the trophy to reveal the gashats and then disappear. Just who is this Genm?

(episode starts with Chrono talking to his teammates on his laptop)

Kazuma: So, you're saying there's a new rider in Team Gamers?

Chrono: Yeah, and he changes to a bike.

Taiyou: But, he's siding with the Invincible Game Fighter.

Chrono: (sigh) That I know.

Kumi: Hey Shindou-kun, have you tried to talk to Nomura-kun?

Chrono: No, not yet.

Shion: But, if he's taking part in the showdown battle tournament, he can be strong.

Henri: But, if you took part and face Ryoji-kun in the finals what would you do?

Rin: If he fret to face the Invincible Game Fighter, then you can beat him.

Chrono: Easy for you to say.

Satoru: But, if he's trying to fight you in the finals, then what?

Jaime: Hey hey hey, Satoru, I'm sure Chrono can beat the Invincible Game Fighter. He's our Amigo.

Chrono: Well, thanks Jaime, but I'll try to be easy on him.

Luna: But, he's has three riders on his team and you're the only rider on our team. How are you going to face him.

Am: Luna, the showdown battle is a one-on-one battle not a team battle.

Luna: Oh really?

(then Team G sweatdrop on what Luna is saying)

Tokoha: But Chrono, just don't anything idiotic.

Chrono: I won't, because I'm Mach.

Tokoha: And one more thing.

Chrono: Yeah?

Tokoha: Do you have a moment?

Chrono: Well, ummmmm......

(then Team G gone silent until Kazuma broke the silence)

Kazuma: I'll have to help my brother with something.

(then Kazuma got disconnected)

Chrono: Hey Kazuma!

Taiyou: I've got to study.

(then Taiyou got disconnected)

Chrono: Not you too, Taiyou.

Henri: Well, me, Shion-kun and Hashima-senpai will do something about the team.

Shion: We do?

Henri: Well yeah, so bye.

Rin: Hey, you...

(then the Fukuhara club got disconnected not letting Rin to finish)

Luna: Well, me and Am got lessons.

Am: Wait, I never heard we got...

(then Rummy Labyrinth got disconnected not letting Am to finish)

Kumi: Me, Enishi-chi and Jaime have to help my cat. My cat just pee on my couch.

Satoru: We do?

Jaime: OK, Tokoha, take care.

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