4. Ro-Ro-Row your boat, Roman

Start from the beginning

"Since I've realized that everything in the universe has been working against me. Maybe God can solve that issue," I smile.

"What you really need is some sleep and I'm sure the princess will be more happy and energetic as ever," he advises.

"Fine," I yawn. "I could use some sleep, I guess."

"Good night my Reese's piece," Aaron smiles.

"Good night my retired player, text me when you're home safe."

"Will do, ma'am. Anything else?" he questions.

Should I ask? Just do it, Reese.

"Uh...- actually, no. I love you."

"I love you," he replies and I end the call. I breathe out and put the sheets to the side as I grab my charger and connect it to my phone. I put my phone upside down on the nightstand and lie down under my sheets to drift into a heavy sleep.


"Do you think he's gonna wake up anytime soon?" I question Jaxson and Landon who are standing on either side of me.

"No, I still can't believe he slept through us walking down the flight of stairs and all the way to the pool," Landon laughs as he clicks a picture on his phone.

In the middle of the pool, is Roman sleeping on the floating mattress quite peacefully may I add.

I woke up at five in the morning and I couldn't go back to sleep when an idea hit me. I told Roman I'd get him back for dragging me to school on the first day, so I thought this was the best opportunity to do so.

First, I called Jaxson and Landon to get them to help. They were kind of pissed I woke them up at five-thirty in the morning, but I finally convinced them to help me. Instead of bribing them, I guilt-tripped them by using the "you changed my whole life in two days" card and it won't be the last time I use it either.

First, Jaxson went to the twenty-four-hour convenience store to get food colouring and when he was back, we started moving Roman. He has a king-size mattress and so the mattress was heavy on its own but adding his hundred and eighty pounds didn't make things any easier. Also, I'm complaining on behalf of my two brothers because I did none of the lifting which is the upside of having older and much stronger brothers than you.

Before we put his mattress on the water, I tied a rope with Jaxson's heaviest weight from our home gym. Jaxson threw the weight as far into the pool as he could and we watched as the rope dragged the mattress into the middle of the pool and the weight slowly sank to the bottom.

We all left him to go change and get ready for the day and now we're back only to find him still sleeping. I knew this would be a problem so I got the air honk from his room that he used for a prank on me a couple of months ago.

"Plug your ears," I yell. Before I press the button, I hear Grayson say something behind me. His speech gets muffled as I press the button and let the noise shake Roman awake.

I shake my own ears at the blaring sound.

"What... the... fuck," Roman says as he looks around the water around him.

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