16 | Skinny Love

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Skinny Love  by Bon Iver

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The red and blue hues of police lights flicker in the distance. The shouts and hollers of the partygoers echo throughout the neighborhood as people scamper away. Casper and I flee the scene and sprint down the street until I demand to go back, "Where's Billy?" I shout with fear.

"Over here!" someone replies. I glance over my shoulder and sure enough, Billy, Tyler, and Erika are ducked down, hiding behind a dumpster. I squint through the darkness and watch as Billy shoos me away. He shouts over the sound of a whisper, "Hurry! I'll catch up with you later!"

I sigh with relief and then tell him, "Don't get caught!"

Billy chuckles, "Wasn't planning on it..." he assures me, "Now go!"

Casper and I bolt down the street with no hesitation. However, he suddenly tugs on my arm and we come screeching to a halt, "Where's Austin and Logan?" he panics.

While desperately searching for his brothers, we scan the entire neighborhood. Once I spot them running away into the distance, I point them out to Casper, "There they are!"

We dash in their direction and catch up with them. However, there wasn't much time to chat while the police begin arresting the partygoers. Therefore, we decide to keep running instead. Eventually, we make our way to the end of the street and then encounter an obstacle... literally.

Logan seems completely distressed when he says, "Where should we go? What should we do?"

We stare at the brick wall at the end of the street that blocks our path. However, Casper is the first to offer a possible solution, "Maybe we should turn around?"

"And get caught by the police?" retorts Logan, "Great idea, Cas!"

"Well, it doesn't seem like you have any bright ideas either!"

"At least I'm not trying to get us thrown in jail!"

"Guys!" I interrupt, "We don't have time to argue! We need to come up with a plan, and fast!"

Austin forms a smug little smirk and then chuckles wryly, "Amatures..." he sneers.

Then suddenly, Austin hops the wall. He did so effortlessly as if he's done this many times before. Although I wonder how often Austin has been in this situation, I know that now is not quite the time to ask. While standing at the top of the wall, Austin looks down at us and seems far too pleased with himself. However, he offers his hand.

Austin pulls Logan up first and then Casper. However, I begin to panic when I hear police sirens getting closer and closer. Casper reaches down and offers me his hand, "C'mon!" he urges me.

Although I hesitate initially, I finally gather the courage to grab his hand. It's that moment that his large hand squeezes my tiny wrist, our fingers intertwine, and I feel nothing but warmth... The moment seems to happen slowly when Casper hoists me up the wall and then wraps his hands around my waist to keep me steady. When he gazes at me, our eyes lock for a moment.

"Are you okay?" he asks me. I nod my head and he smiles. Casper hops down to the ground and makes a firm landing. Then he glances up at me, "Jump!" he says.

"I can't!" I shout back, "What if I fall?"

"You won't..." he assures me and then opens his arms wide, "I'll catch you."

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