Zack's P.O.V

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After me and Nikki was done at the park and I brung her back to her house. We said our good bye's and she closed the door. Her words still echoed in my head.

And your the same guy I made my bestfriend in kindergarten.

Truth be told I'm not the same Kid I was back then. I actually joined A gang called The Ninja Assasins. Stupid name but you wont believe how powerful we are. I actually don't have tattoo's and piercings because I was supposed to be the innocent looking one, that way I can trick people and set them up in the NAT(Ninja Assasin Trap). I felt horrible about what I'm doing to Nicole and her friends. I have ro follow orders though, its business. It didn't matter if I wanted to or not I just had to get the job done.

The plan was to get Nicole and her friends to join the gang, If they refused then, All hell will break loose and there would be no stopping it.



?-Nice job Zack your going to get to the top spot one day. Just wait I can already see it.

I smiled. To tell the truth I didn't want to be in the business but I didn't have a choice in the matter. Before my dad died it was either I join or 'Someone gets Hurt'. I thought they were bluffing so I said no. That was 2 days before my dad died. That's when they came back and asked again and I said Yes. After that my world went to hell in a hand basket. I remember once I couldn't cope and I resorted to cutting but not the obvious place. I cut my palms. Dakota, My love, Got me to stop and I had finally worked up enough courage to say that I wanted to leave it all. That was the day Dakota was shot right in front of me. If I never said I wanted to leave, Dakota would still be here.

Z-Thanks boss, Nicole might be falling for me. If she is that would make things much easier on my part

?-I know. Now, don't you have somewhere to be

I didn't reply. I just shook my head yes and walked away from Shaan.

Dont Give Up On Me (MB/Austin Mahone FanFic) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now