Nicole P.O.V

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I watched as Ray had a small argument and he just blew up. He called her a B.A.N and walked out. I saw Brianna bout to get up but I mouthed 'I got him'. After she nodded I got up and went after him.

Damn he looked really mad. I grabbed his hand and tugged a little. He turned around and sighed. he looked kinda annoyed.


Me-you ok

Ray-No. That shit always happen. The teacher call me Rayon and I ask to be called RayRay and they get mad and shit. that's been happen ever since I got that nickname.

Me-Ray just don't worry about that. That teacher in particular is a batch.

He chuckled and I giggled. He looked as if he calmed down a bit. Good. Now lets see if he will come back to class and apologize.

Me-Are you gonna come back to class?

Ray-Yeah im gonna apologize to

Me-Rd come on

I let go of his hand and started to walk back to class. He grabbed my hand, I looked at him and He just gave me a kind smile. I smiled back and we continued walking. When we got back to the class room everyone was writing. I went to my seat and Ray went to Ms.Robinson. He talked to her for a bit then came back to me.

Me-What she say

Ray-She said she forgive me but both of us have detention

Me-Why Me Too

Ray-Cuz you walked out

Me-Fickin hate that motha fickin batch always gotta be doing shat and just being a ass

He laughed. I didn't mean to but his laugh was contagious so I started giggling. we spent the last classes of the day that way. Sometimes he'd flirt a bit and grab my hand, I would just go with it cuz I kinda like him.

In our last class music we sat in the back next to each other. Brianna came in first so she was in the front. I'm actually kinda glad cuz I want It to be just me and Ray.

Ms.Edwards(Perries mum) took a seat in the front of the class room deciding whether we would go in the music room today. Lucky batch-in a good way;).

Let me explain quickly why were not in the music room. This class is sorta bad. we don't listen all the time and we like to prank our teachers. Most of us, like me and Bri, stay in detention. For us its pretty normal.

Anyway she decided that we would have a free day in the class room.  She probably don't feel like dealing with us today. Me and Ray just talked while Brianna talked with this girl and guy. Some girl came up to Ray and bit her lip. She looks like a ratchet hoe with her super small clothes so I shall call her ratchet hoe #1 or RH#1 for short.

RH#1-Hey babe

Ray-Uh hey?

RH#1-Do you wanna come over with me and my friends or I could give you my # and we could hang at my house later. My mom wont be home till 11 ;)

Ray-Sorry don't know how to say this but I don't talk to ratchet hoe's who just want to get in my pants.

RH#1-Im NOT a ratchet hoe who just want to get in your pants. My name is Melissa, but you can call me Mel cutie ;*

Ray/Me-Mmmhhhmmm dismissed bxtch

She huffed and walked away. I laughed and soon so was Ray. We laughed for a minute until we calmed down. When Ray calmed I was still giggling.

He used his pointer finger to make me look at him. I stopped giggling and was completely focused on his fudge brown eyes. it felt like we were the only one's in the room. He started to lean In and I did to. Right before our lips met the fire alarm went off and I snapped back into reality.

Thank goodness. Saved by the bell. The class started to leave the room. I grabbed his hand and pulled him out the room. Mr.H sent us home 20mins early. Keisha was waiting outside for me Brianna and the boys of MB. Me Ray and Bri got in the car. We waited 10 mins for Roc Prince and Prod to get to the car. When they finally came there was a girl tugging on Rocs hand screaming at him. He finally got his hand away.

Roc-Keisha DRIVE NOW!

she drove off and Roc was panting hard. Me Ray Prince Prod and Brianna was Laughing so hard tears were coming out our eyes. After we calmed I asked Roc.....

Me-Who was that

Roc-Some girl named Keshawna who got it implanted in her head that she loves me and we were meant to be Like come on I don't even know her

Me-I should have known that that was her thirsty butt she always on some new boy or girl that come to our school I swear th*gco*

Roc-Woah woah woah did you say boy or girl?

Me-Yeah she's bi but a thousand times worse


Me-Yeah she's the biggest thot in the school

E/O-Yeah we can see that. ~_~

We talked for the rest of the ride till we came to Prince/Bri's house. My house was across the street so I just stayed at there house like I usually do. Me and Bri do our homework together. Sometimes we don't do homework and just talk about B1VC, (Boys One Direction The Vamps and Celebs)  but since the boys were gonna be here for a couple months we weren't gonna do that unless were at my house or in her room with closed and locked doors.Me and Bri went straight to her room as a routine thing for us and the boys followed. When they tried to come in we were like....

Me/B-Uhh No girls only batches

We pointed to the sign on her door. after they read it we closed the door and sat on her bed. I threw my bag on the floor and pulled out my phone. What are we gonna talk about today.


Ared I hope yall liked it and to those who read Mb<3Me thanks and ive decided i wont be remaking the sequel cuz im lazy but Mostly cuz I don't have time. I barely have time to be making this but I try for you guys ;*. Anyway I hope this was long enough for you guys.



P.S go read Laced. by ziamfeathers. I swear to beans this girl is an AMAZAYN writer. Its a Zayn Malik fanfiction so any directioners (or directionators) should read it. Please cuz she's awsome thanks ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* :* :* :* :* :* :* ;* ;* ;*

P.P.S I will stop puting were there at in the title and just put who's P.O.V it is for the chapter ok thats it byeeee ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;* ;*

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