Nicole P.O.V

23 2 0

Finally were here my mom left with

Ms.Woods a while ago. Since we all finished packing we just sat in my house and talked. I was talking to Ray when Prodigy Called me. I went over to him and asked what he wanted. He said we needed to go in the hall before we talked.

After we got in the hall before I could ask what was going on he blurted out something that I wish I never herd.

P-I know u 2 kissed

He was talking bout me and Prince.


Me and Prince was sitting in my room while I was helping him with some math homework. He started groaning so I figured he was frustrated.

Me-wassup Perez that got u groaning

P-I can't do this its too hard and stupid

ME-How its really easy

P-No its not it just looks like a bunch of numbers and letters on a page

Me- Calm down here let me show u

I grabbed my.paper and showed him how I did the problem. He finally understood and started to work it out. I had got up from my desk and almost tripped but he caught me causing me to fall on his lap. I looked at him and his eyes stared into mine. His eyes flickered from mine to my lips. He started to lean and closed his eyes. I did the same knowing that I would regret it later but loved the feeling of that went through my body.

When our lips connected I felt something that I didn't feel with Ray it was stronger then what I felt with him. When we pulled back the only things that was on my mind was how soft his lips was and how Ray would feel about this but I didn't care.


How did prod find out we swore that we wouldn't tell any one and I know that I didn't.

Me-How did-

P-He told me. He said he didn't know what to do because he started having stronger feelings for u after the kiss

Me- I'll talk to u about this later prod.

I went back in the living and continued my convo with Ray. After a while most of us got tired so we went to bed.


Hey *le Roc Royal Voice* I'm Back *le does stupid dance*

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