"I know it does," Kenna said with a grin. "I only create masterpieces."

We woke Alex up next. If the news bothered him, he didn't show it. It was like everything just bounced off and never really cut through. "Gav should stay with Cal. He'll need time to process what happened down there." He paused before adding, "I wouldn't tell him that though."

"Cal needs a babysitter," Kenna suggested. Then she laughed. It sounded familiar; the same laugh Octavia used to let out right before she pulled a prank on Bellamy. "Yeah, Cal definitely needs a babysitter."

"I'll wake him up," Alex said, and headed in the opposite direction.

Kenna and I watched him go, and then turned to each other. "Gav needs time but Alex doesn't?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"He does, just..." She trailed off looking for the words. "A different kind of time. The kind with plenty of distractions."

I let out a short sigh. "I guess I get that." The two of us walked back to the Gagarin. "Remember when I asked about the other Eligius missions?"

"Yeah, we thought maybe there were more out there. On shitty planets, or something, right?"

I grinned. "If we meet anyone, we probably shouldn't call their planet shitty."

She laughed. "You're right, bad first impression."

We turned the corner and found most of the group waiting outside the transport ship. Jackson was saying his goodbyes to Abby while Miller hung behind them. I joined Miller, just as Alex turned the corner with Cal and Gav on his heels. I felt caught between two worlds. "Hey, Robin Hood."

"Seems like a long time since anyone called me that."

"A hundred and twenty-five years," he pointed out.

I let out a humorless laugh. Miller looked over my shoulder. I knew Cal was waiting, and if he was, so were the rest of the Shadows. "We'll talk later," Miller suggested.

I nodded. "See you on the ship."

When I turned around, Cal was leaning against the wall. Kenna had Gav and Alex across the hallway, giving us space. "Let me see it," he said. I wiped my arm across my forehead, rubbing away nonexistent sweat and flashing my tattoo. He laughed quietly. "Your Kenna impression is spot on."

"You gonna be okay?" I asked. "There isn't a lot to do up here but think."

"It's only temporary, right? I'll be down there as soon as the doc clears me," he said. "You won't even have a chance to miss me, space girl."

I raised an eyebrow. "Who said I'd miss you?"

Gav joined us, clapping a hand on Cal's shoulder. "Let's go, Malikov. They're rounding these guys up, and you've got a doctor to see." Cal groaned, and Gav gave Kenna a look. "Thanks for the babysitting gig, K. Really appreciate it."

"Rest and relaxation, Cal!" Kenna called after them.

"Ready to go?" Echo asked, slipping up between the Shadows and me. I nodded, and started toward the Gagarin, only to realize Echo was a step behind me. I turned to see her looking at Alex.


She turned back toward me and closed the distance between us quickly. "Yep. Ready. Let's go." I shook my head and walked into the ship, closing the door behind me.

★ ★ ★ ★

After a rather bumpy ride through Alpha's atmosphere, we emerged through the clouds. Beside me, Kenna gasped at the sight. It was beautiful. Tree-covered mountains stretched as far as we could see. Shaw set the Gagarin down in a clearing, and we made our way to the door.

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