Chapter Forty-Six

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Published: April 17, 2020
Word Count: 2326

Throughout the day, the group plays a lot of games and laughs until they're in pain. Around ten at night, SaeJin opens the door and smiles.
"Hey, I'm sorry to break this up, but the boys need to get to bed for the concert tomorrow."
The boys whine, but they all know they've been getting tired. Mina stands and bows her head to the manager. "We'll make sure they all get to bed." He nods and smiles lightly. "Thank you both." He bows and steps out, leaving the room in silence.
The first one to make a noise is Jungkook, who huffs. "I'm not tired, Noona"
"You've been yawning for an hour." Yoongi reminds him.
SuHee smiles and holds her arms open for Jungkook. "Come here, Kookie." She offers, wanting to give them all hugs before they got to bed.

The Maknae walks into her arms and nuzzles his chin into her shoulder happily. She hums happily and hugs him tightly. "I'm going to miss our golden maknae."
He seems to deflate in her arms, but he hugs tighter. "I'm gonna miss you too, Su-Noona."
She takes a shaky breath and nods. "We'll be there for your concert tomorrow though!" She tries to cheer herself and the others up.
"You'll be in the crowd though... not in the back to encourage us during breaks." He sighs.
Namjoon smirks a little and clears his throat, hiding the smirk. "We should say goodnight."
Jungkook clings tighter. "Noooooo." he whines.

Taehyung comes up behind him and pulls him off, only to hug her himself. His fluffy mop of hair tickles her ear. She giggles and runs a hand through his hair. "I'm going too, TaeTae."
He just nods into her shoulder. "You're the best manager ever."
"Awwwww. You're my favorite group to manage." she smiles, kissing his head.
He snickers. "You better never go to anyone else!"
She laughs and nods. "I doubt we'll get another managing job. Don't worry." She assures.
Across the room, Mina is hugging Jimin. "Be good, Chim."
He huffs. "But it's more fun to be bad." he whines, "I'm a bad boy."
She laughs and smacks his shoulder. "No, you're a really good kid. Don't cause too much trouble for your hyungs."
He laughs and nods. "Okay. Only for you, Noona."
"Good." she squeezes him again before letting go and ruffling his hair.

She's tackled from behind by Hobi. "Stay happy and eat lots of Strawberries!" he orders.
She's reminded of the farm they visited early on and chokes up. "I will, Hoseokie."
He lets go and Jin hugs her tightly. "We love you, Mina." He whispers. "You guys will find a job you like and we'll keep in contact." He assures quietly, holding her close.
She closes her eyes to keep from crying. "I'm going to miss this so much..."
"I know. But we'll at least text all the time."
"Of course we will." She nods against him.
"Alright don't be greedy, hyung!?

Jin pulls away, letting Jungkook and Tae sandwich her in a hug. Mina wraps an arm around each of them. Meanwhile, Namjoon is hugging SuHee while Yoongi stands by awkwardly. SuHee hugs Namjoon back tightly and sighs. "You're an amazing leader, Namie. Don't let yourself get down."
He rests his chin on her head. "You two have helped us all have more confidence. I really appreciate everything you've done."
She hums happily. "I'm glad we could give back what you guys gave us before we even met."
He looks down at her with soft eyes. "We'll keep working hard. Make you proud."
"You already have." She assures.
His eyes shine with unshed tears and he pulls her back against him tightly. "Thank you. Thank you so much."
She smiles and hugs him back. "Anything for you guys."
He takes a deep breath. "Alright... go on. Yoongi looks like he's about to cry."
"I do not!"

SuHee smiles and lets go of Namjoon, kissing his cheek before going to Yoongi and standing in front of him. "goodbye, Oppa..."
He sighs, lips pressed into a tight, straight line. "Well... bye, I guess..."
She rolls her eyes. "Oh. Come on. I know you want a hug."
He eyes her suspiciously. "And where are you getting that information?"
She smirks and hugs him around the waist. "From my knowledge of you."
He doesn't move for a couple seconds and then caves, wrapping her in his arms and squeezing her tight. "I guess you're right."
"I should be. I'm your manager. Well... was..."
He shushes her. "Don't say that."
"But it's true."
He huffs and puts a finger to her mouth. "hush."
She smiles and leans her head against his shoulder. "Don't tell anyone. But I'm probably going to miss you the most."
He chuckles. "That's alright, sis. I won't tell. Especially not the Maknae. They all think they're your favorite."
She nods and smirks. "That was the plan."
He laughs a true, hearty laugh. "That's sneaky!"
"Thanks. It makes them all happy."
He hums. "You're good."

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