Chapter Nine

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Published: April 30, 2019
Word Count: 2238

After about 30 minutes, the instructors back off and let the boys dance the section on their own. Mina watches and smiles proudly when they ace it. SuHee glances up and smiles when she sees all the dancing styles. The part they learned was only about 20 seconds long. When they finish, Mina claps for them, making several members grin. Jin blows a kiss and winks, making Jimin giggle. SuHee nudges her friend and smirks.
Mina blushes. "I swear, that man will be the death of me." She grunts just loud enough so Suhee can hear.
SuHee bursts into laughter and covers her mouth, trying desperately to keep her laughing down. Namjoon grins widely at the sound of her laugh. It quickly dies however when the instructor shushes her. The music starts again and they run through the dance another dozen times.

SuHee leans against Mina, practically gasping for breath.
Mina giggles quietly. "You okay over there?"
SuHee nods and glances at the water bottles lined up against the wall. "Oh. Their bottles are almost empty."
Mina stands up. "Let's go get those filled."
SuHee nods and they replace the bottles with the extra ones before taking the empty ones to go fill. They walk out the door and are halfway down the hall when a door opens and PD-Nim walks out.
"Oh hello! I see you're already becoming familiar with your duties. Are you having fun?" He asks, smiling broadly.
Mina returns the smile. "I am! We've been doing paperwork while the boys practice."
He nods. "You have the other managers to help you remember."
SuHee bows politely. "We'll new that in mind. Thank you, PD-Nim."
Mina bows as well, and the three part ways. At the water fountain, they start the task of filling bottles.
"I wonder what we'll have to fill the time with after this paperwork is done?" Mina thinks aloud.
"We could talk to the other managers and see if they need any help or if we're missing something important." SuHee suggests.
"True. Let's do that after we get all that paperwork done." Mina screws the lid on the last bottle and carefully picks up four of them. "I'm done."


The boys get a two hour break around noon. SuHee grabs her phone. "Okay, guys! Type in your orders and I'll go get your food!" She announces, holding out her phone.
The boys fill in their orders, Namjoon going last and writing out how to pronounce all the words. He pats her shoulder and then lays down on the floor. SuHee looks down at him and smiles in thanks, stepping over him and heading to the door.
As soon as the girls are gone, Jimin howls.
"Namjoooonn's fliiirrtiinng!"
"I am not!" Namjoon denies. "I'm being kind."
Jimin giggles evilly "You're nicer to Suhee than to Mina." He smirks.
Jungkook nods in agreement. "You're nicer to her than ME."
Namjoon snorts. "Yeah, well she's a woman too."
Jimin shrugs. "We've been around women before."
"She's pretty, too!" Hobi calls from across the room.
Jin laughs and nods. "Mina is too!"
Jimin howls again. "Hyungs are crushing!"
Yoongi rolls his eyes. "You might as well give it up, Jin. We're not allowed to get involved with the staff."
Jungkook pouts a little at this. "It would be fun to tease them about it though!" He announces.
Namjoon frowns. "That sounds cruel... it's not fun to have your feelings played with... so why would we purposely play with theirs?"
Jungkook rolls his eyes. "I meant tease YOU Hyung! I wouldn't tease Noona about it."
Namjoon huffs. "Rude maknae. You should respect your hyungs."

Taehyung chuckles. Jungkook grins and starts messing with Jimin's hair. Jimin shakes his head, making his bangs flop back and forth.
"You like my hair, huh." Jimin smiles and ruffles his hair in return.
"Its fluffy." He teases, tugging a little on a piece.
Taehyung comes up behind them and tugs them both onto their backs. "Shut up and be my pillows." He mumbles, crawling in between them and hugging Jungkook.
Jungkook laughs and hugs him back, playing on his phone over Tae's shoulder. Jimin hugs Tae's back, and the oldest of the maknaes quickly falls asleep. Yoongi falls asleep on a mat at one side of the room and Jimin soon falls asleep as well, everyone still tired from the night before.

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