Chapter Forty-Four

959 32 3

Published: April 15, 2020
Word Count: 2246

A few days later, the boys are on another off day and the group is just coming back from grabbing breakfast together. Mina looks around and frowns. "Does something seem like it's missing to you?" She asks SuHee.
She frowns in thought and looks around. "I don't... think so... maybe...?"
Mina counts members. "Seven. At least all the boys are here. That's what matters." She tries to dismiss the feeling, but it nags the back of her mind.
SuHee smiles and nudges her, grabbing her arm. "Maybe you're missing dessert. Let's grab some frozen yogurt."
Taehyung hears the word and runs up behind them. "Did you say dessert??"
SuHee helps in surprise and grabs Mina. "TaeTae! You scared me!" She laughs, holding a hand over her heart.
Tae giggles and backs off a little. "Can we, Noona?? Pleaseeee?"
She laughs and nods. "Of course we can. Anyone else want dessert?" She calls.
The rest of the boys agree enthusiastically. "Come on, let's stop at that little place on the corner." She points to a mom-and-pop shop advertising fresh ice cream and frozen treats.

As they head over, SuHee writes down all of the boys orders and starts ordering for them in English, forgetting that Namjoon can speak it. Namjoon watches her writing and smiles softly, appreciating all the work they do for them. Once there, each of the boys insist on trying to order for themselves and SuHee nods, slipping the lady the list so she can put it in quicker as they use broken English to try and order. The lady, an older woman with happy lines around her mouth, smiles patiently as they order.

"That'll be $19.23." She announces when everyone finishes. "Susan! Come and help me for a moment, please."
A girl around twelve rounds the corner, round glasses sitting on her nose and a pencil behind her ear. "I'm coming, grandma!"
SuHee smiles at them both before helping the boys get the right stuff handed to them. "Thank you so much!" They all tell the lady, bowing politely.
The young girl says 'you're welcome' in Korean shyly. Jungkook realizes she recognizes them and grins. The girls share a look and smiles as the boys file out of the shop to eat their ice cream. "They were so nice." SuHee comments.
Mina skips slightly. "This is why I love these little local shops!"
Jimin laughs loudly and they look back to see Jungkook's cone on the ground. "Aish. Kookie!" SuHee laughs, "Let's go get you another one."
Jungkook pouts. "It was so pretty..."
She smiles and wraps an arm around his shoulders despite the height difference. "I bet she can make another one just as pretty."

The two head inside and the bell jingles above the door and the woman looks up. "Back so soon!" she beams. "I... dropped it..." Jungkook pouts.
The girl giggles and looks up from the paper she's writing on. "I'll get you a new one!" She volunteers and quickly makes the order he had before. "Thank you for working so hard!" she adds, handing him the cone and SuHee translates quickly when he looks lost.
The maknae beams and bows his head. "Work hard for ARMYs!" He looks pleases with himself and glances at SuHee for approval.

She smiles and nods, watching the girl flush and sends him a Korean heart, bowing in respect. The elder woman watches the exchange with an interested look. Jungkook licks the new ice cream as they walk out. "Do you know that young man?" They hear her ask the girls just before the door shuts.

SuHee smiles and nudges Jungkook's shoulder. "How did that feel?"
"I'm happy!" he says, still in English mode.
"Good. I'm glad. How's Ace been doing?" she adds, remembering his friend on Snapchat.
He brightens at the name. "She snaps me every day! We have a streak."
"Ooooooh streaks, huh?" she smiles and looks up at the boy fondly. "I'm glad it worked out. She's going to be a great friend."
His eyes squint happily. "She's so cute!"
She nods in agreement and focuses on her melting ice cream as they reach the group again. Jimin is crouched down, scooping the dropped ice cream into a cup and discarding it into the trash. "Jeongoo! No littering." He scolds feasibly.

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