Chapter Thirty-Six

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Published: November 10, 2019
Word: 2357

Halfway through the plane ride, everyone is asleep. SuHee wakes up and sighs in annoyance, getting up and climbing over Mina to get to the isle.
She accidentally trips over her foot and comes within an inch of faceplanting into the passing hostess. She bows in apology and slips past her to the restrooms in the back. As she passes Yoongi's seat, she notices how annoyed he looks.
"Hey, are you okay?"
He looks up and sighs. "I can't fall back to sleep." He grumbles.
"Well.... maybe a snack would help? I have some food in my backpack if you want some." He hesitates. "Like.. what?"
She smiles and thinks for a moment. "I have a couple musabi, taki, gold fish, nori, oh! I have grapes and cheese Crackers, and some candy."
The rapper smiles softly and tiredly. "Taki? Please?"

She nods and heads back to her seat, grabbing the backpack and digging around for a moment. Once she's found one of the taki bags, she heads back down the isle and hands them to Suga.
"Here you go. I hope you get to sleep soon."
"Thanks, Manager." He tips his head politely. "Are you feeing okay? You look a little queasy." She nods a little. "I'm fine. I just get motion sickness. Once I get back to sleep I'll be fine." She assures. Yoongi holds up a small bottle that he pulled out of his backpack. "I have motion sickness medicine. It'll probably help you sleep, too."

SuHee hesitates for a moment and nods, taking the bottle and grabbing one of the pills. "Thank you, Yoongi-Oppa." She bows her head slightly in thanks and smiles. He just nods and tucks the bottle back in his bag.
By the time SuHee gets back from the bathroom, Namjoon has woken up and is on his phone, swiping tiredly. SuHee sits back in her seat and takes the pill, draining half a bottle of water as she does. She rests her head in her hands and tries to focus on not getting sick.
Namjoon watches her curiously, not wanting to disturb her. His phone makes a sound and he quickly turns the volume down, swearing under his breath. She turns her head slightly to see where the noise came from and sees Namjoon awake. "Hey."
He looks at her, showing his teeth in an awkward 'caught' smile. "Hey... Sorry. I didn't realize my sound was up."
"It's okay. I don't think you woke anyone up. Are you all out of sleep energy?" She asks.
"Yeah." He nods, beginning to roll his neck and shoulders. "We'll be landing to switch flights in about two hours. It's what I look forward to the most during flights."
"Landing?" SuHee frowns and takes a deep breath when a wave of nausea hits her. He notices the look on her face. He leans closer in worry. "Are you alright??"
She nods and takes another deep breath before turning back to him and nodding. "Yeah. I just get motion sickness easily. I'll be fine."
He frowns, a line appearing on his forehead. "There's a baggie there." He points to the pouch on the back of the seat in front of her. "...just in case you have an emergency."
She smiles and shakes her head. "I'll have enough warning to make it to the bathroom. Thanks though."
He just huffs and adjusts in his seat.
"There are movies, too. If you want to try passing the time." He shows her where the screen can be flipped up
"Well that's cool. But movies make my nausea worse. The medicine Yoongi-oppa gave me should kick in soon and I'll go back to sleep." She assures. "Thank you though."
The rapper nods. "Just trying to help."


A few hours later, Jimin wakes Mina up with a shake of her shoulder. "Manager-Nim. We've landed. Were the last ones on the plane too." He adds with a laugh.
No one else is on he plane. Only Jimin and Mina. Mina blinks and sits up. "What...? Gosh I really passed out didn't I?" She jumps up too quickly and loses her balance.
Jimin catches her and laughs, helping her gain her balance. "Calm down, noona. They're outside the gate. They're waiting in line at customs." He assures. "We have time. Get yourself awake."
She blushes and holds onto his shoulder as she shakes herself awake. In a couple minutes, she lets go. "Okay.. sorry. I'm good. Let's go." She grabs her bag and flings it over her shoulder.
He follows her off of the plane and meets the others in line. Once through customs, SuHee grabs Mina's shoulders. "I'm home!" She beams.
Mina blinks at her, still disoriented. "Where?"
She laughs and looks around. "Can't you smell it? Or FEEL it for that matter? We're in Hawaii!" She bounces up and down in excitement like a child. Mina's eyes widen as she looks around at the surroundings. She actually pays attention to the people and the atmosphere.
"Oh my - " she grins and hugs her friend.
She hugs back and takes a deep breath. "I'm legit about to cry." She laughs at herself and takes a deep breath, grinning. "Don't.. cry..." Taehyung pouts from beside them. "Be happy!"
"It's okay, TaeTae. It's a happy cry." She assures, wiping away a stray tear.
"Ah... I would totally hug you right now, but..." he glances around at the milling crowd. A small group of girls has gathered at a respectable distance with purple ribbons.
Mina notices them and waves. They wave back happily.
SuHee grins and looks around for a moment. "Let's go!"
"Go?" Tae tilts his head.
"The hallways are outside, silly. It's an open airport." She pats his shoulder. "We just have to get through customs first."
Jimin claps his hands.
"Maybe that will help you feel better, too." Mina says, hooking her arm through SuHee's.
"Oh geez. I hope so. I haven't been this nauseous since the flight to Korea." She smiles and leans against her friend. "Yeah no kidding. You slept though, so that's good."
The group inches through the line, making small talk and trying to avoid being noticed. After about 20 minutes, they make it through customs. As they get through the door the Hawaiian air hits them and SuHee takes a deep breath. "Oh gosh. I miss it."
Mina breathes in as well.
"I haven't been here since I was 9 years old. It's just as beautiful as I remember."
"And it's just the airport." SuHee laughs and Yoongi looks around. "Where's the next gate? I want to sleep." "There's an hour layover." Namjoon explains, looking at the ticket in his hand. "We have time to explore a bit."
Yoongi blinks. "Okay then I'll find the gate by myself."
SuHee grins and nods. "I'll help you find it." She announces. "Please don't be late." Saejin gives Mina and the maknae line a look.
"We won't. I'll make sure we're all back before they start boarding." Jimin and Jungkook grin and run off. "Hey! Wait!" Mina darts after them, her shoes slipping a little on the slick, polished floor. The two last managers watch them leave and start heading to the gate. Namjoon turns to SuHee. "Aren't you going with them? Yoongi and I can find the gate." She shakes her head. "I'll make sure you guys get there and then wonder around for a little. But I'm pretty tired myself." "Please don't wonder around by yourself, Miss. It's not safe." A security guard says behind her.
"I'll stay with her and make sure we don't get lost." Seokjin offers. The guard eyes them, but finally agrees. SuHee looks confused and nods to Jin in thanks. "Why is it not safe for me though?" "It's protocol, Miss. You never know what people will do, so it's better to go in groups." The guard explains.
"I've been cornered by fans on my way to the bathroom before." Jin cringes at the thought. SuHee nods. "Sorry, I forgot. Okay. You want to get some food?" I ask, nodding to Jin. The hyung nods.
"You guys want food?" He turns back to the remaining members. A couple of them call out small orders and the others decline all together. SuHee nods and writes the orders down real quick into her phone.
"Looks like Yoongi-oppa is already out." She snickers. Namjoon turns around and chuckles as he catches sight of his hyung passed out on a chair behind him.


Meanwhile, Jimin, Jungkook, Tae, and Mina are stopped in a souvenir shop, looking at all the stuff. "There's so many flowers..." Jungkook makes a face. "Isn't there anything manly?"
"Here!" Jimin holds up a coconut bra.
"I said MANLY." The maknae whines
"No, no! It look good on you!" Taehyung grabs the coconuts and shoves them against Jungkook's flat, muscled chest.
The boys pull him in front of a mirror, and all three bust up laughing. The laughter catches the attention of a couple people who don't seem to recognize them and continue shopping. Mina starts watching the people, getting distracted for a minute. When she zones back in on the conversation, she realizes they've switched to Korean. It takes a moment before her brain clicks in and she understands the words.
"I'm not buying this." Jungkook is saying.
"You have to, we can have a fashion show!" Jimin shakes the bra, causing the coconuts to click together.
"Jin-hyung would love to do that."
"I'm not wearing this." He laughs.
A little boy, about five runs up to Jungkook and latches onto his leg, squealing happily. A moment later his mother runs over and looks at the boys apologetically. "I'm so sorry. He loves you guys."
The teasing and the coconut bra vanishes instantly. Jungkook looks down at the kid and smiles. "Oh, hi there."
Taehyung's eyes have gone wide.
"Aawwee he's so cute!"
He drops to his knees and holds his hands out to the little boy. "What's your name?" He lets go of Jungkook's leg and runs into Taehyung's hug, wrapping his arms around his neck. "Timmy!" He announces.
"Hi, Timmy. I'm TaeTae. How are you?" He hugs the small body back, looking up to his mother to make sure this was alright. His mom just watches with a small smile as Timmy plays with Tae's colorful hair. "Saranghae!" He cheers, making tiny finger hearts. Taehyung grins. "Saranghae~" he returns, cupping his own cheeks and pooching his lips adorably. Timmy grins and tears up, hugging Tae tightly again. The mother continues to apologize for her son's behavior. Jimin looks up at her. "It's not a problem at all. Just... don't let everyone know we're here, okay?"
He holds out his hand to her. She smiles gratefully and nods, taking his hand and shaking it. "Thank you so much." Jungkook jumps in, too, shaking her hand as soon as they stop. "Are you ARMY?" He asks, seeming genuinely interested.
He smiles and nods. "I am. Sometimes I have to remind my husband that I won't run off to find you guys."
"Mommy has a ring!"
Jimin looks down at the boy, who is pointing to the woman's hand, adorned with a gold band with a sparkling gem.
"No one's taking your mommy." Tae laughs, nuzzling his nose into the kid's soft hair. The boy giggles at Tae's laugh and pokes his cheek. "You're pretty."
Mina smiles at the little boy's comment and Jungkook laughs. "I'm handsome." Taehyung pokes Timmy's tummy. He giggles and turns to his mom. "Mommy take picture?" He asks, giving the boys a pleading look. Jungkook grins. "You want to?" He pulls out his phone and opens the camera.
The mom comes and picks up her son, sitting him on her hip.
Mina takes the phone and waits for them to pose before taking a few good shots.
"There you go." She texts the photos to her phone and then sends them to the woman. "Have a fun plane!" He calls before running off with his mom, bouncing happily. The boys wave to them.
"That was nice." Mina comments.
"You don't usually get to meet married ARMY's with ARMY kids, do you?" The boys shake their heads. "Nope. That's a first." Jungkook announces. "That's sweet." She hums. Checking her watch, she tsks. "If you guys want to go running around, you'd better hurry. We need to head to the gate in 10 minutes."
They pout, but leave it alone, choosing to continue to walk around and have fun instead of complaining. Mina notices their responsibility and respectable behavior, mentally noting it.


Over at the food court, SuHee and Jin are grabbing he bags of food from the McDonald's and getting ready to head back to the gate.
"I can't believe it took that long." SuHee laughs.
Seokjin quickly swallows the mouthful of fries he had snatched. "Yeah, that was a terribly long line."
"All for McDonalds too." She shakes her head and laughs slightly, handing a bag to Namjoon when they get back to the gate. Namjoon thanks her and digs into the bag. The small group eats quietly for the remainder of the wait.


"Flight 1169 to Sacramento is now boarding. Flight 1169 is now boarding. All First Class passengers please board. Flight 1169. Thank you."
Mina looks up from where the boys were playing.
"Hey, guys! Let's go!" She waves to them and points to the gate. "They're boarding!"
The Maknae look over and grab their bags, heading towards the gate.
SuHee volunteers to wake the sleeping Yoongi and gently nudges his shoulder. "Yoongi- Oppa. It's time to go."
His eyes slide open. A sigh escapes his nose and he sits up. "I know. I heard. I was just waiting as long as I could before getting up."
With a grunt, he hefts himself out of the chair and picks up his bag. "You can sleep on the plane, Oppa." She assures, leading the boys to the gate.
A few minutes later, everyone is seated in the plush seats, waiting while the rest of the passengers board.

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