That Monster

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Saturday Morning- 7:45 AM

Ever since I woke up this morning, around six o'clock, I have had enormous anxiety. Perhaps it is about meeting Bret's stepfather- I don't know. It's just that I barely know who this man is; all I know about him is that he has a violent background. Just think about it- this man almost killed my husband a few years ago. What makes Bret think he has changed? 

There is no way that I am letting our baby girl near that monster, whether he has changed or not. I am not going to chance anything happening to her. This was all that I could think about for the two hours that I have been awake. Worrying about what is going to happen at this "play date" at the zoo today. Before I could worry myself any more, Elizabeth started crying from the other room.

After I took her out of her crib, we went into the kitchen quietly to eat. Kate and Bret were still sound asleep by the time Elizabeth and I sat down for our breakfast. It must be nice to sleep in all morning as I get up with the baby. Well, I shouldn't exactly be complaining because Bret did get up with Elizabeth all throughout the course of me being sick. 

Within a few minutes, Kate walked out into the kitchen. After pouring herself a cup of coffee, she sat down at the island with Elizabeth and I. "How was your sleep, Kate?" I asked her.

"Good. Reminds me of how things used to be," she replied. 

She really did not need to say that. Kate and her stubborn ways, let me tell you. The last thing I need to be reminded of is how things were a few years back. My scandalous time with Daniel being one of them. I loved that guy. I don't know, maybe I was just young and naive, but I really felt like he was going to be the one for me. You know- the one. The one that is supposed to sweep you off of your feet and carry you down the aisle and live happily ever after. But that just wasn't the case with him. I have always wanted to know where he's at and what he's up to, but that is never going to happen. He and I live two separate lives now- Bret being one of them.

Speaking of the devil, I figured that I better wake him up before we are late to the zoo. Standing up from my chair, I put my plate in the sink. "Kate, do you mind watching Elizabeth while I try to go wake up my husband?" I asked her.

"Not a problem," she answered.

Grabbing my coffee mug, I walked down the hall and into the bedroom to see Bret sprawled out on our bed. "Bret," I tried calling out to him. No answer. After placing my mug on the dresser, I walked over and started shoving his shoulder. "Bret, honey, you need to get up."

I have never seen this man in such a deep sleep before. There was only one possible way that I would be able to wake him up. I sat down on the edge of the bed in front of him and leaned over so that my lips would make contact to the crevice of his neck. I could hear him groan with each kiss I laid among his skin. Not too long after that, his eyes fluttered open and he peered up at me. 

"Good morning sleepy head," I whispered as he sat up and sealed the gap between our lips. As the both of us traded kisses, we heard tiny footsteps make their way into our room. "Mama!" Elizabeth yelled as she tried to push me away from her father. For some reason, Elizabeth hates it when Bret and I kiss- even if it's just a small peck. She would even climb up on the couch and wiggle her way in between us to separate us.

According to the famous psychologist Sigmund Freud, all children are in love with their parents. To Freud, every little girl was once in love with her father and every little boy was once in love with his mother. This is supposed to explain the "Daddy's Girl" and "Mama's Boy" concepts.

I actually agree with this theory of Freud's because whenever I get remotely close to Bret, Elizabeth gets all defensive and will try to push me out of the way- she is quite hostile towards me when her father is in the room.

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