Never Again

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Waking up the next morning, my whole body was aching- from my head to my toes. Starting with my head, it was killing me. I felt like my brain was being crushed by the weight of the world. Every move I made, made me incredibly dizzy. My throat, chest, and breasts were aching as well. There was a shooting pain in my lower abdomen and my vaginal muscles were sore. My legs also felt as if I've been standing all night long.

I laid there trying to recall our evening last night. The only thing I remember was texting Bret and going to the Dirty Robber. I must've had more drinks than I originally planned because my head was killing me! Closing my eyes again, I laid there for a few minutes before remember the rest of my night. Jane didn't have a lot of drinks last night and from what I remember, she was pretty sober. Speaking of the devil, I'm pretty sure she spent the night on my couch.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I remember fighting with Bret when we came home. What was the fight about? I have no idea- I just hope it didn't have anything to do with the proposal. But I do remember having a good time afterwards if you know what I mean! That was the probably the best makeup sex I've had... ever. Although it was both satisfying and beneficial, I suppose it hurt like hell. I'm not sure why, but I am throbbing in places that I shouldn't be. Like I said before, my entire body is aching.

Thinking about all of this, I started to feel sick. I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom, which by the way was not the smartest idea ever. The second my feet hit the ground, I became extremely dizzy and felt as if my body was going to crumble on the floor. Last night? Never again.

As I'm throwing my guts up in the bathroom, Bret walks in. He leans up against the door frame and begins to slightly chuckle. I looked up at him and berated, "Don't... don't just stand there and laugh!"

"I'm sorry, Maura. I came in to help you, but kinda got caught off guard when I walked in here," he responded as he bent down to hold my hair back.

I looked over at him and asked, "Why?"

He bluntly answered, "Because you have no clothes on, my love."

Being slightly confused, I looked down at myself and noticed that Bret was right. I've always slept in the nude, but I would also throw on a robe before I left the bed. I looked back to Bret and asked, "Can you please go and grab my robe?"

"Why cover yourself up? You're beautiful," he replied, making me smile. He stood back up to walk into the bedroom and get my robe.

When he came back into the bathroom, I slowly stood up to wrap the robe around me. "Why don't you come out and eat breakfast? Angela and Jane are out there now," he told me.

"Okay," I mumbled. He grabbed my hand, intertwining his fingers in mine, as he led me out into the kitchen. I slowly got up on the barstool and said good morning to everyone.

"Someone had a rough night," Jane observed.

I looked over at her and began to eat my pancakes, without saying a word.

"Are you feeling alright, Maura?" Angela asked.

After taking another bite out of my breakfast, I responded, "Yes I am. Thank you for the breakfast, Angela."

"You're welcome, sweetheart," she said as she walked towards the back door. She continued, "I'm going to go get changed. I will be right back."

As Angela left to go to the guest house, Bret stood up and announced that he was going to the supermarket to pick up some eggs and milk. So it was just Jane and me in the kitchen, eating pancakes. "So how'd you sleep?" I asked her, trying to fill the silence.

She took a big sip of coffee before answering, "Alright. Woke up with a slight headache though."

"I'm sorry. Where's the babies?"

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