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It's been a couple days since Lexi had woken up. The day after she regained consciousness, she started to talk again; although, she claims that she doesn't remember us being there when she awoke. Her throat is still severely sore and hurts her to talk. The other day, Lexi's mother came by the hospital to check up on the case.

The only thing that worried Jane and me was that Lexi didn't seem happy that her mother came by to see her. Both of them barely looked at each other and barely had a conversation. You could just sense a lot of hostility in the room. There's definitely something going on with these two and Jane and I will figure it out, whatever it is.

This morning before we arrived at the hospital, Lexi's doctor cleared her for solid foods, so Jane and I brought over some of Angela's bunny pancakes for her. She didn't eat a lot, however, she enjoyed the few bites that she had.

Sitting in the cafeteria with Jane, we were eating lunch. She had a pizza and a cheeseburger, while I ate a salad and a bowl of soup. "Hospital food sucks," Jane mumbled.

"Well, it's not a five star restaurant, that's for sure," I responded.

"Mm... I'm not eating this anymore. That's a good five dollars waisted," she mumbled as she threw her cheeseburger down on her plate.

"Ya know, the soup isn't that bad."

"Oh yeah? How's the salad?"

"Bitter," I answered, while sipping my soup. "So Jane..."

"What?" she asked.

"What's going on with you and Casey?"

She shot me a look and replied, "You had to bring that up?"

"I'm sorry. I was just curious," I spoke as I took another spoonful of soup.

She whispered, "I have to go to court next week."

"Would you like some back up?"

"Ha, sure. You're a great friend, Maur."

"Yes, I know," I replied with a smile.

Giving me a look, she joked, "And a humble one too!"

We both laughed as we cleaned up our trays and threw away our trash. Walking back to the elevator, I told her, "We need a girls night. With lots of beer."

Shooting me a look, Jane asked, "You'll drink beer?!"

"Well, maybe I'll drink wine. But we need a night to get totally wasted. And of course Bret would be there so he could be our designated driver."

"Totally wasted? Such language, Doctor Isles..." Jane joked as the elevator doors opened at our floor.

"So, is it official? It's Friday night, so we could hit the bar after visiting Lexi?" I asked her.

Jane swung open the doors to the ICU as she laughed and replied, "Sure."


"So Lexi," Jane began as we pulled up two chairs next to her bed. "We noticed that uh... That you and your mother weren't all that happy to see each other. Is there a particular reason?" she asked her.

The look on Lexi's face was indescribable. It looked as if she wasn't expecting us to ever ask this question to her. She slowly answered, "No. There's no reason."

"It's just that we senses a bit of hostility in the room," Jane replied.

Lexi paused for a second and responded, "Well I don't know."

You could tell that this young lady was hiding something. It was starting to piss me off that every time Jane would say something, Lexi would shake her head and reply with 'I don't know'.

Winging It: Finding Faith ~ {A Rizzoli & Isles Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now