Winging It: Finding Faith ~ {A Rizzoli & Isles Fanfiction}

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Author's Note: Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading my stories thus far! You have no idea how much it means to me and you guys are the reason for this third story. I wouldn't have the motivation to write it if it weren't for you. :)

I have been getting MANY requests to write more about Lexi. In this story, the team is going to uncover a lot about Lexi's past as well as try to find her.

Also, each chapter will either begin or end with Lexi's thoughts. They will be in italics, so you would definitely know when we are inside her mind.

I hope you enjoy this story!! :)


There comes a time in someone's life when they do something they're ashamed of. Maybe that something has certain circumstances, if not fixed by a certain time. Some people get hit with a bill, or they will get arrested and have to face a jury. Or, if they're anything like me, they will get kidnapped.


Maura's POV

Going back to the station, I immediately ran upstairs to Jane. They are probably already going through every possible explanation for Lexi's disappearance. Any missing person hits us hard and we will stop at nothing to find them, especially if that missing person is part of our team. When I walked into the room, Jane, Frankie, and Korsak were all together going through the video cameras. "Did you guys find anything yet?" I asked them as I sat down next to Jane.

"Not yet. Did she mention anything that's worth persueing?" Korsak asked.

I answered, "No, not that I can think of. Why?"

Frankie added, "Because looking in all of her past school records, she was in the top ten of her school's percentile. Straight A's, honor roll, dean's list..."

"She was very active in the community. She was the president of her high school's community service program," Korsak mentioned.

"She was a good kid," Jane whispered.

"God, what a shame..." I mumbled.

"God? I thought you weren't religious," Jane teased me.

Without responding, I gave her one of my famous looks which made Korsak and Frankie laugh. The both of them were seated in a desk and quickly rummaging through the computers in front of them. Before we could investigate any further, my cell phone rang. As I answered, Jane's started to ring as well.


"Dr. Isles..."

After listening to the request, we both hung up. Jane got up out of her chair and grabbed her blazer. "Jane, we can't go until we find Lexi," I mentioned.

"Maur, Korsak and Frankie have this. We just got a call for a death, we need to do our jobs."

"Yeah, you're right," I replied. Turning to the guys, I requested, "Call me if you guys have anything. Please."

"You got it, Doc," Korsak said as Jane and I left.

I grabbed my examination bag and hopped in Jane's car for a ride. This was the worst possible time for a murder to happen. I won't be able to fully concentrate on this autopsy, which could possibly screw up this homicide investigation. There is no time for messing up- I do not mess up anything. I should be and will be able to devote all of my attention on this future case with Jane as the guys focus on the kidnapping.

Pulling up to the crime scene, Jane put the car in park and told me, "Just do what you do best right now. Try not to worry too much on Lexi."

I looked over at her and replied, "I'll try, Jane."

We both got out of the car and walked up to the body. There was a young woman laying in a bush in the middle of a park. I noticed that she had a few bullet wounds as I bent down to examine her. Taking the victim's body temperature, I was able to conclude that she has been dead for at least thirteen hours. Her body was in full rigor.

I was also able to examine that each bullet wound was approximately two-point-four inches in diameter. One was located on the left side of her neck while the other two were in her chest. After ordering the crime techs to send the body to my office, I walked over to Jane. "Hey, anything on the vic?" she asked me.

"Caucasian, mid-twenties, been dead for approximately thirteen hours," I explained.

"Cause of death?"

"I can not conclude until performing an autopsy."

"Maura, she'll be fine. Go home and rest," she told me.

"Go home? But Jane-"

Cutting me off, she said, "The victim is dead Maur, she isn't going anywhere. We will preserve the body so that no forensic evidence is lost. Go home and relax. Spend some time with Elizabeth."

"Are you sure?" I questioned.

"Yes, positive. I got this," she responded and gave me a hug.

"Alright Jane, but you drove me here."

"Oh, then I will drive you home," she said as we walked back to her car. The drive home was silent and I couldn't help but think about everything that's been going on. My family has just gotten back together and then a member of our team goes missing. What on earth could've happened to this young woman that would lead to this? From the first minute I met her, she was nothing but sweet, kind, and cooperative.

It pisses me off to no end thinking about her going missing. She doesn't deserve this. And the worst part is that we have no idea if she is alive or not. We don't know what she's doing or if she's safe or if she's suffering. I kept trying to think of every possible conversation that I have had with Lexi. There was nothing that was brought to my attention that would make me think could lead to her disappearance.

I couldn't think of what she could've done to deserve being kidnapped. This poor woman- it's a sin what happened to her. I must've looked extremely worried because as Jane pulled into my driveway, she asked me, "What are you thinking about?"

Looking over to her, I answered, "It's just not fair. I feel terrible."

"I know it isn't fair. We'll find her."

Before getting out of her car, I reached over and hugged Jane, "Thank you."

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