23 - Stand Up For Me

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"I remember." 

"Well, she was outside your hospital room." I said. "She said for what happened to you that you could have another trial against your father but she said you would only win..If you testified." 

"So.." Luke mumbled. "I-I have to stand in front of a group of people, and tell them?" 

"Yes." I said slowly. 

"I-I can't!" Luke yelled as he jumped off the couch which gave him a slight wince. "I can't look everyone in the eyes and tell them, no-no not while my father is sitting there watching!" 

"It's the only way you can win the trial." I said. "Luke you need to or you will go back to your father's house, he wasn't nice to you when you lost the first trial. So what did you think he'll do with a second one?" 

"He's right Luke." My mother sighed as she walked in the room, pills in one hand, water in another as she handed them to Luke. "If you're going to have any chance against him, you need to testify. It could actually save you're entire case." 

"B-B-But I don't think I-I can." Luke mumbled as he sat back down the couch, sitting close to me. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled onto my lap. 

"Luke, are you worried you're going to stutter?" My mother gave a small smile. "Maybe you'll cry?" Luke gave a sheepish nod. "Luke, that's not even an issue because that's how you feel about the situation and that's why you need to testify. So the jury - or the judge - sees that. And even if you're in there headstrong it'll be okay. You just need to be heard." My mother stood up and walked over to the couch, sitting down next to us and wrapped her arm around the both of us. 

"I made a promise," She began. "I promised your mother no matter what happened I would always take care of you. I intend on keeping that promise. You're a part of this family Luke, I'm behind you every step of the way." Luke sat wide eyed looking at my mother, shocked he was. He sniffled before leaning slightly onto my mother as she encased him in her embrace. "It's okay. It will be okay." 

"T-Thank you." Luke said quietly as he sat up. 

"Luke I think I can speak for both of us when I say that we care about you and that we love you and we're not the only ones. Michael and Calum love and care for you, everyone does. We will always take care of you." I said as I smoothed out his flat hair. Luke leaned up and kissed my cheek before snuggling down into my chest. 

"Well, I think that I should start making dinner." My mother smiled. "Luke, what do you want?" 

"I don't care what." Luke said quietly. 

"Well I'm making you eat either way, might as well make it something you like." She gave a shrug. 

"Um.." Luke bit down nervously on his lip. 

"How about we order a pizza?" My mother smiled, a smile that Luke returned and nodded along with. "Okay, I got it." My mother stood up and walked towards the kitchen. 

"Thank you, Mrs. Irwin." Luke said.

My mother turned around, her hands on her waist. "Luke, you're family, you don't call me that." 

Luke gave a puzzled look. "Well.. What do I call you?" 

My mother had a smile playing on her lips as she spoke. "You can call me mum." 



Ashton's mother is ze best mother (Little French accent there).

Okay that chapter is done, I don't really know if I'll update again tonight (well at least on this book) but I'll see you all in the next chapter.

This book is almost over in other news though D: So we will talk about that before you go.

Okay! So I already have an ending planned out(Like how it ends) HOWEVER, there will be at least one epilogue buuut listen close for this.

If you read Nerd-Alert you would know there were four different epilogues, if you want I could do something similar to that, but I  need to know so you need to tell me. But there will be at least one regardless. Cause I don't do sequels cause they're just..The worst like ninety-nine percent of the time.

ALSO, last time I wrote a book I didn't make the other two guys (Ashton & Calum, AKA Cashton) a couple, so if the majority of you want Malum..SAY SO NOW PLEASE and I will add it.

Okay I think that's everything..I'll probably revisit this in like chapter 25 if not 24.

But for now..

Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles and Serenades xX 

Façade<Lashton>Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ