Chapter 39 - Open House

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"The administrator emailed me yesterday." Margret smiled. 

Vaughan covered her mouth as she screamed, jumping up and down like a little kid on Christmas day as she clutched the flyer in her hands. 

"I can't believe this! This is the greatest day off my life!" She yelled. 

Her excitement got the better of her, accidentally firing a soundwave blast and knocking back the TV in the living room against the wall. The two flinched as they glanced at the fallen TV. 

If Margret didn't know about her daughters powers by now, then there would be serious trouble. 

Vaughan quickly ran into the room, proping the TV back up, checking for any signs of damage. She grabbed the remote and switched it on, the TV screen coming to life and displaying the local news. 

Trying to remain calm, she raised her fists into the air. "The TV is okay!" 

"Just be lucky I know about that little trick of yours, otherwise you'd be grounded here and now." Margret teased. 

Vaughan chuckled nervously in reply as she turned the TV back off, doubling checking the walls just to be safe. Other than a few dents here and there, it was intact. 

"I gotta tell the others!" Vaughan realized as she raced for her shoes. "This calls for a celebration!"

"If you're going out, be home by 8 so we can have our own party." Margret smiled.

"You got it mom!" Vaughan waved as she ran out the door.


Vaughan met up with her friends inside the school at their usual hang out spot, the foyer of the school, right next to the doors to the auditorium. The three of them were huddled in their own little group while the girl waltzed, doing her own little happy dance.

"We got your texts, what's up sunshine?" Josh grinned.

"I just got accepted into the greatest performing arts school in the history of the world!" I smiled with glee, my fists shaking.

Daphine's eyes widened as she gasped, jogging towards the girl. "Oh, my god! Julliard?!"

"Yes!" Vaughan squeaked.

"I got some news of my own to share! I got accepted into NYU!" She giggled.

"SHUT UP!" Vaughan yelled with excitement.

"No, you shut up!" Daphine chuckled, playfully slapping her friend.

"Best friend happy dance?" Vaughan suggested.

Daphine winked. "Thought you'd never ask."

The two held hands jumping up and down as they jumped around in a circle cheering. Josh and Andrew just stood to the sidelines, watching their female friends go about their business.

"Hey Josh?" Andrew asked.

"Yeah?" Josh replied.

"You know how I don't understand girls right?" He reminded.

"Yeah, why?" Josh asked.

"I still don't." Andrew shook his head.

"Me neither, but when has that ever stopped us?" Josh replied.

When the two girls were done celebrating, they regrouped with the guys as they entered the first floor hallway, the area beginning to flood with arriving students. As they walked and talked, Vaughan was greeted by a few students here and there. Thanks to her Dubstep, she became quite well known throughout the school. 

The Future Is The Past (Transformers G1 FanFiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن