(Extra) June 24th

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~Hey Brielle~

I'm writing cause I thought you'd like a handwritten note. I miss you so much. I know we talk nearly every day, but I still miss you. I'm still figuring things out here in New York. It's busy even though it's summer, 

Here, I'm attaching a photograph I took the other day at the lake. It's not super good quality, it was just taken by my phone but I thought you'd like it. Anyways, I've been going to the lake a lot you know helps me to think, and clear my thoughts. I know I said it already but I miss you and I hope to see you real soon,



Hey brown eyes,

I hope everything is well with you. I just needed to write this letter for some closure. And oh I almost forgot. You deserve to have these. I saved copies and they make me smile when I look at them. You're beautiful. Please never forget that. 

*Logan attached the portraits he took on their date on April 26th*

I wanted you to see this too. 

*Logan attached a picture of his baby girl*

Alright, I think that's it. Hope this finds you well,


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