Chapter 1: January 24th

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After gingerly stepping off the plane, I look up nervously as I start walking to my gate. It's starting to become crystal clear that I'm not going to be, 'Beach Girl Brielle', here in Brooklyn, New York, and besides, I was ready to leave that stereotype behind me. But was I ready to step into an entirely new one? Well... I'm an uptown NYC college girl now, better get used to it. Here's to college, and whatever lies ahead! I smile as I look out the window of the taxi driving to the university.

I've always been different than everybody, and I'm really only emphasizing that narrative by graduating early, even though it's becoming increasingly popular for a variety of reasons, when you're from a small town, it still sets you apart whether you want to be or not. I myself just couldn't wait to get away from my old school life, and all of the frustrating stereotypes.

I was the girl that let herself get cheated on twice, the girl that was always falling for the wrong guys, the goody-two-shoes, which can be a good thing, but again, small school, small world, and word travels fast.

Thus, I'm really so excited to start a new chapter in my life, and I can't wait for the new opportunities that lie ahead here in college here in New York; such a magical place. When I toured Brooklyn, just like so many others choosing their colleges, I just knew it was the right place for me.

It was so nice getting to know my roommate, Macy, over FaceTime over winter break. She seems like such a fun person and I can't wait to room with her.

All of my thoughts swirl around in my head as I step out of the taxi and take in the beautiful scenery around campus. It's about 6:30 pm, golden hour, as I like to call it.

I quickly bring myself out of my happy daze and grab my luggage out of the trunk before continuing to admire the campus and finally, start looking around for my dorm.

I stop to look at the glass-covered map in the courtyard and scour it for my dorm room's number. Looks like a short walk just to the east of where I am now, great.

I finally arrive at my dorm building, however, after quickly glancing at the keypad on the side of the building, I remember that I must've forgotten to pick up my building key on the way in, and it'd be a long walk in the opposite direction with my luggage, and even if I did walk all the way back over there, the administrative office is probably closed for the night by now. So... that's not so great.

But luckily, after taking a few deep breaths and calming down, I look around to see out of the corner of my eye that the door happens to be actually open! It must be to encourage the newcomers? I don't know, but it's good luck for me, I think!

Finally! I made it to my dorm and inside the building successfully, I think to myself. I notice that #213E is written on the door, confirming that I've made it to the right place.

I knock on the door gently and semi-nervously await a response.

"Come in!" I hear Macy reply happily.

I smile as I reach for the doorknob to open the door,

I scan the room for Macy and upon seeing her sitting across the room, I smile brightly, "Hey, Macy! I'm Bri." I say introducing myself, cheerily, and maybe just a little bit nervous too.

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