April 11th

27 0 0

Last night Macy and I stayed up until 6 am watching old Disney movies. I think I got like 4 hours of sleep as I'm waking up at 10:30. I reach for my phone and check my messages. No new messages as if I thought there would be. I miss Jay. I wish he was here with us sometimes. I miss his smile and the way he can make a joke out of every single situation. Anyways I have to accept that it is what it is. I decide to get up out of bed and walk to the bathroom. I put my hair up and apply chapstick on my lips before opening the door and walking down the hall to the kitchen.

"Hey Mace. Morning!" I say happily.

"Hey Bri. How'd you sleep. She laughs

"Terrible. How about you?" I ask her.

"Terrible too." we both laugh.

"Hey so I was thinking we could make brownies today?" Macy suggests.

"Perfect! I love that idea!" I agree.

"I'll have to run to the store to pick up the rest of the ingredients. You okay here?" She asks sweetly.

"Yeah. I'll get ready and check my emails." I reply.

"Okay, cool. I'll be back around noon-ish." she says.


I'm chilling on the couch when Macy bursts through the front door happily and full of energy,

"Okay, (so) I've got all the ingredients!" Macy beams.

She walks over to the counter and dumps all her grocery bags out on them

I get up and help her unload them and I grab my phone to search up the perfect recipe for us to use

And lastly, I asked my phone's virtual assistant to,"play Justin Bieber music"


After our brownies are out of the oven and have cooled. I yawn making me realize how exhausted I really am. I check my phone it's 2:30.

"Hey Mace, I think I'm gonna go take a nap if that's okay with you. I'm still exhausted from last night." I admittedly say,

"Okay, sounds good. I'll just be here chillin'. Why don't we each try a brownie first though?" she suggests.

"I agree." I laugh as we each grab a brownie.

"These are so good. We really make a mean team and a mean brownie." I say.

"Yeah, we do." she laughs.

"Okay, thanks. I'll see you later." I say before leaving the kitchen towards my room.

"Enjoy your nap." she says back.


"Bri! Get up!" I hear Macy say, pouncing on my bed, waking me up.

I groan exhaustedly, and cover my eyes from letting the sunlight in, "What?"

"I just saw there's a killer college party happening tonight! I already got the deets and the organizers said we could go! Isn't that great?" she says happily.

"You woke me up for a party?" I glare at her, and her puppy dog eyes fall from her excited face, "Mace, you know that I hate parties." I say, softer.

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