34│Two Worlds One Family

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"Hanumappa and his wife Gangamma are busy making Jaggery out of sugar-cane. They have processed the sugar cane juice to make the molasses—"

Oh wait! This was the 'Hanumappa' question!

Credits to my memory, I knew the answer was 13.97 kg. And yes to answer your question, we were having our Math mock test. Thank heavens it wasn't Social Science. Then I would have intentionally ended up sick today.

Kiara poked my rib. Eyes on her paper, she whispered, "Jivika, give me your kada! I need to draw a circle and I'm lazy to use the compass!". Perks of being a Punjabi, I guess.

Pratik poked his head inside the class and made sure that Sonika ma'am was talking to another teacher. Placing out few graph papers, I watched him collect the money from Amaan and run away within seconds. Confused, I asked Kiara what that was about.

"Arrey, Pratik draws out graphs for people. 5 rupees for less-than Ogive graph and 10 rupees for more-than Ogive graph. He was like, when you are good at something why not earn from it? And surprisingly, lazy people do exist cause he earns around 150 rupees out of those graphs everyday!"

Definitely such crazy things can only happen in our school.

"Yaar! I wanted to stay home and wake up at ten!" whined Lavanya. Clearly, study leave meant different for different people.

"Really? Even when our parents are at home wasting their Child Care Leaves?" questioned Laysa in a confused manner.

"You can't say anything to me today cause—" started Lavanya.


The whole class shouted in sync, slamming their head against the question paper. With so much amount of practice in tuitions, Math was easy for me. It was almost mechanical. Like...I knew the answer before I read the question.

"Yeah!" she replied, smiling sheepishly.

Sonika ma'am looked up.

Knowing us, she continued with her notebook correction. Smart lady!


"Krish give me your watch."



"No Lavanya."

"That's such a cool watch! Just let me wear it for some time? Please!"

"Lavanya no. No means no, okay?"

"Its my birthday, you can't say no!"

"Arrey baba, I know it's your birthday. Trust me I know my gir—. Uh I mean, friend's birthday!"


At that point, she was almost on top of him, strangling his neck.While Krish tried to get her off him, Amaan sneakingly got the watch off his wrist. "Here you go!" he said handing her the watch.

"Thank you so much Jivika's future boo!" she replied instantly, and started gushing over the watch.

"I can't believe that she's fifteen. She still acts like she's five!" snorted Kiara.

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