33│I See The Light

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It felt good to be back after a long time. Study leave does tire one out. It makes you regret wishing a break from school. It makes you say you want to go back, just once, one last time.It makes you remember those crumbling walls, horrible grounds and sweet moments.

And that's how we all were present that day, for the much awaited class photo.

The last one.

Since the morning we had been fixing our hair and trying to appear decent in this uniform. I mean who keeps those grey checkered kurta as uniform? This thing has the ability to make even the prettiest thing in this cosmos look ugly.

"Alright students! Head to the ground in a single line! Monitors, handle the situation!" instructed Sonika ma'am.

The concept of 'single line' has to be the biggest joke of the century.

Blocking the front door, I let out shout after making sure that the lady was out of my sight, "Hey chaman chutiyes! Listen up! None of you are leaving early today! We are a taking a nice unofficial group photo. If any of you leave...wait till I catch you!"

Reaching the ground, I walked around. Recollecting how the late comers used to take laps around here, how they made us to the mass PT drill which somehow was always called 'marks-PT'. How  we used to fight in the sand pit at the corner and play Kabaddi. The dusty ground where we would celebrate Sports Day and our house would always lift the Cup. And of course, where our endless inter class dramas would occur.

How we would fight for the jaadu (broom) and pretend to clean the ground for five seconds, that is till our picture gets clicked so that our extremely beautiful faces would make an appearance in the School Magazine.

The grass carpet where we troubled the earthworms. Rest in peace earthworms. The rusted fences over which we would climb like monkeys as it provided the shorter route for us lazy beings.

Escaping from school even ten minutes prior the actual time felt like a victory. Trust me, you have no clue about the hawk eyes of that watchman who would spot us amidst the sea of cranky parents.

"Baccha Party!" yelled Amaya, pointing at the swarm of parents who had arrived to pick up their kids.

Well this party would put the rallies of our country to shame.

I mean, what's the point? All those cockroaches look similar, either skinny as a matchstick or inflated like a balloon.

Personally, I find those inflated ones cuter.
Mann karta hai ki unke gaal keechte rahu.
[Feel like pulling their cheeks all the time.]


"Short ones in first, middle in second and tall in third row!"

Maahi, Lavanya and Laysa fit themselves in the first, Rhea and Amaya joined the second. Kiara and me, as usual, stood in third.

You know the ones who are never photogenic? That's me.

We made Sonika ma'am sit in front. Before the photo could be clicked, someone protested that our class cannot have a group photo without the man who stood by our side through thick and thin. Yes, our Coach. Dragging sir, we gave our cheeky grins to the photographer and waited.

The boys created temporary hairstyles, so that they could 'magically' have a spurt in their heights and sneakingly enter the third row. But no matter, no matter how hard you try, a school group photo is bound to be imperfect.

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