05│Can You Feel The Love?

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"Take out your first chapter, 'Life Processes'!"

This, was Suganthi ma'am. Our Biology and Chemistry teacher for the year. She was known as 'Mrs. Now'. Word goes around that she repeats the word 'now' at least six to seven times a minute. A senior who stays in my building, had asked me to count the frequency of her 'now's'.

But her monotonous voice was making me fall asleep, my head accidentally banging onto the desk every fifteen seconds. So counting her 'now's'  proved to be an impossible task.

"Okay children. Now. This is your class tenth. No fooling around now! You are giving your 'Boards' this year. Now, be serious! So, now! This chapter is long and we'll divide it into four parts. Now, the parts are nutrition, respiration, transportation and—"

"Suganthi ma'am, the principle has called you for discussing about the 'All India—"

"—Science quiz'? Good Lord! Was that meeting now?! I'll be there in five minutes Sunil! Just inform that lady!"

Barely lecturing for ten minutes, she grabbed her purse and rushed past the door. Now that it was a free period, we had approximately half an hour to ourselves. Dropping the class tenth NCERT science textbook in my bag, I take a one eighty degree flip to talk with our gang.

Tenth grade.

Time sure flies doesn't it?

And is it normal for a Science teacher to explain blood circulation in heart, by drawing that actual love-emoji heart? Answers I would never know. I stared at the question put next to the diagram:

Q. Draw a sectional view of the human heart and label on it – Aorta, Right ventricle and Pulmonary veins. List out their functions.

Who was she trying to fool? Everybody knew that CBSE never made up stupid questions like her.

Lavanya and Amaya were busy setting tiny bits of paper in Rhea's hair, designing the nest to perfection while the victim was engrossed with her S. Chand Physics book. Laysa was their audience, her features laced with amusement and pure delight.

No, no, don't worry! She was not studying. She was busy reading the journey of Lakhmir Singh and Manjit Kaur, the couple who wrote the ill-fated book. And all of a sudden when she looked up, the other three jumped backing together—acting all innocent. And this girl did not even realize what they had done to her hair, as she started ranting about her brother.

"Ved's browser history is worrying me! Bhai pata nahi chal raha ki yeh batau ki there is this thing called history, or teach him how to use incognito!"
[Dude, I don't know whether I should tell him that everything can be seen in history, or whether to teach him how to go incognito.]

Thank god I keep an eye on Ansh's Youtube history as well. Siblings are troublesome, all the time.

Kiara and Maahi got engaged in arguing whether the latter's IQ was less or not. Well, it was a one sided argument, with Maahi defending her IQ and Kiara laughing off, contradicting every point of hers.

"Maahi, last year when we were in ninth, you had trouble opening a lock! You tell, which ninth grader does not know how to pick a lock when they have the keys with them?"

"But Kiara yaar! The lock and key were tiny and—and—even my hands are so small! It was difficult!"

"Okay fine Baba! You might be book smart but IQ...nah! Remember you called a thirty centimeters scale a thirty inches one?"

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