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"Is this normal?"

"What?" I could hear myself asking, amused by Parth's out of the blue moments.

"This! Having so much free time despite being in tenth!" he sighed, cracking his knuckles. Of course, with a sister who got 96.2 percentage, it was difficult to think of even breathing without the fear of exams.

Staring at the wild grass ahead of us, I concluded that our school did not care much about the ground. Like zero maintenance! The number of snake holes spotted in this wilderness was definitely not a worrying factor.

Haa matlab, saap ke ghade toh har jagah hoti hai. Isme konsi alag baat hai?
[Yes, snake holes are present everywhere. What's so new about this?]

"It's normal Parth. Our teachers don't like taking classes is not our problem."

We should be doing something productive at the moment. Yet here we were, leaning our backs against the fence, watching the rest of the guys play football. We reached here after the teams were made, and so decided to stay out of it all together. Chatting with Shreyansh who was the goalkeeper for his side, very seldom doing his job.

"Let's walk over there Amaan."

Following his line of sight, I noticed the four of them, Jivika, Maahi, Lavanya and Krish. The absence of Kiara struck me another idea. Voicing out my thoughts, I snapped my fingers.

"Why don't we third-wheel Kiara and Pratik?!"

"Nahi yaar, aaj mood nahi hai."
[No man, not feeling up for it today.]

Parth tugged onto my loose shirt. Yes, sometimes I did wonder if it was me who wore my clothes or them who wore me. Answers which I never got. Resigning to his demands, we joined them silently. No words were exchanged as Lavanya and Krish's arguments were enough to keep us entertained.

"Krish, push na!"

"That's what I'm doing!"

"Put at least some effort into it yaar!"

Groaning, the boy pushed her harder, or better said, pushed the swing harder. She went flying in the air and coming back, almost knocking off his face on each of her arrivals. After a few minutes when she got bored, it stopped. Clearing her throat she asked us to be seated while she stood, the center of our attention.

"I've this theory guys. Obviously, these three—" she glared at Maahi, Jivika and Krish together "—don't agree with it. But you have to! It is really that innovative, I mean even Newton would not have thought about it!".

"Go ahead."

Her plait switching sides and fist in the air, she explained her so-called-theory.

Let me tell you, it was called the butt-flat theory.

"When we sit at a place for too long, for example—our benches—our butts feel that pressure from a stronger force, and it turns flat. That, my dear fellow beings, is known as the Butt-flat theory. Discovered by Lavanya Sinha, 2019 AD! So let's take a voting, how many of you agree with it."

The hands raised in the air were me, Parth and the inventor herself. The rest of the three, one was disgusted while the other two in deep thought. As a dutiful inventor, she set out to clear their doubts.

"Krish, let's start with you. What is your problem?"

"Firstly, it's weird. Secondly, it's weird. Thirdly, it—"

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