"And find the Earth? Well, stop talking and do it" Donna says.

"We are" the Doctor says as him and I run off.


"We're a bit late. The signal's scattered, but it's a start" the Doctor says, I put my head out of the TARDIS door.

"We've got a blip. It's just a blip, But it's definitely a blip."

"Then according to the Strictures of the Shadow Proclamation, I will have to seize your transport and your technology."

"Oh, really? What for?"

"The planets were stolen with hostile intent. We are declaring war, Seer, right across the universe, and you will lead us into battle."

"Right. Yes. Course I will. I'll just go and get you the key" I say waving my hand, "are we ready Doctor?" he nods and starts the TARDIS and it dematerialises. A few minutes later the time rotor stops wheezing.


"It's stopped" the Doctor says.

"What do you mean? Is that good or bad? Where are we?" Donna asks.

"The Medusa Cascade. We came here when we were just kids" I say.

"I was ninety years old you were eighty-nine. It was the centre of a rift in time and space" the Doctor says, it is a multi-coloured nebula.

"So, where are the twenty-seven planets?" Donna asks.

"Nowhere. The Tandocca Trail stops dead. End of the line" I say.

"So, what do we do? Seer, Doctor, what do we do? Now don't do this to me. No, don't. Don't do this to me. Not now. Tell me, what are we going do? You two never give up. Please" Donna begs.

"Phone!" I shout.

"Doctor, Seer, phone" Donna says.

"Martha, is that you? It's a signal" I say.

"Can we follow it?" Donna asks, the Doctor dons his stethoscope.

"Oh, just watch us."

"Got it. Locking on" I say a while later, bangs and flames erupt through the TARDIS.

"We're travelling through time. One second in the future. The phone call's pulling us through" the Doctor says "three, two, one" the Doctor, Donna and I scream as the planets pop into existence around us. The TARDIS stops shaking.

"Twenty-seven planets. And there's the Earth. But why couldn't we see them?"

"The entire Medusa Cascade has been put a second out of sync with the rest of the universe. Perfect hiding place. Tiny little pocket of time. But we found them. Ooo, ooo, ooo, what's that? Hold on, hold on. Some sort of Subwave Network" I giggle.

"Where the hell have you two been?" Jack asks "Seer, Doctor, it's the Daleks."

"Oh, he's a bit nice. I thought he'd be older."

"He's not that young."

"It's the Daleks. They're taking people to their spaceship" Sarah

"It's not just Dalek Caan" Martha says.

"Surrendered" Jack says.

"Sarah Jane. Who's that boy?" I ask.

"That must be Torchwood. Oh, they're brilliant."

"Look at you all, you clever people" I say.

"That's Martha" Donna says, "And who's he?"

"Captain Jack. Don't. Just don't" the Doctor says.

"It's like an outer space Facebook" Donna says.

"Everyone except Rose" I say, just then the scanner goes blank.

"Oh" the Doctor says.

"We've lost them" Donna says.

"No, no, no, no, no. There's another signal coming through. There's someone else out there. Hello? Can you hear me? Rose?" I ask.

"Your voice is different, and yet its arrogance is unchanged. Welcome to my new Empire, Seer, Doctor. It is only fitting that you two should bear witness to the resurrection and the triumph of Davros, lord and creator of the Dalek race."

"Doctor? Seer?" Donna asks.

"Have you two nothing to say?" Donna looks over at me, which I had noticeably started freaking out.

"Seer, it's all right. We're, we're in the TARDIS. We're safe" Donna says placing her hand on my shoulder.

"But you were destroyed. In the very first year of the Time War, at the Gates of Elysium" the Doctor says.

"We saw your command ship fly into the jaws of the Nightmare Child" I say "we tried to save you."

"But it took one stronger than you both. Dalek Caan himself."

"I flew into the wild and fire. I danced and died a thousand times" Dalek Caan says,

"Emergency Temporal Shift took him back into the Time War itself."

"But that's impossible. The entire War is timelocked" I say.

"And yet he succeeded. Oh, it cost him his mind, but imagine. A single, simple Dalek succeeded where Emperors and Time Lords have failed. A testament, don't you think, to my remarkable creations?"

"And you made a new race of Daleks" the Doctor says.

"I gave myself to them, quite literally. Each one grown from a cell of my own body" Davros opens his tunic to reveal his bare ribs with just a few nerve endings over them, and his internal organs inside "new Daleks. True Daleks. I have my children, Doctor, Seer. What do you two have, now?"

"After all this time, everything we saw, everything we lost, we have only one thing to say to you. Bye!" The Doctor says as I throw a lever and the TARDIS flies off.

*Time skip*

"It's like a ghost town" Donna says as we all walk out of the TARDIS looking around the empty street.

"Sarah Jane said they were taking the people. What for? Think, Donna. When you met Rose in that parallel world, what did she say?" The Doctor asks.

"Just, the darkness is coming."

"Anything else?" I ask.

"Why don't you ask her yourself?" I look at her in confusion before the Doctor and I turn to see Rose walking towards us smiling, me being much faster than the Doctor when it came to it, I ran towards Rose.

"Exterminate" the Dalek's ray grazes me, but still lights me up and knocks me down. Jack appears and blasts the Dalek. Rose gets to me first, then the Doctor.

"I've got you. It missed you. Look, it's me, Seer" Rose says holding my head.

"Rose" I mutter.

"Hi" Rose replies, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Long time no see" I say.

"Yeah. Been busy, you know" my fingers twitch "don't die. Oh, my God. Don't die. Oh my god, don't die."

"Get her into the TARDIS, quick. Move" Jack says.

"What, what do we do? There must be some medicine or something" Donna says as I lay on the floor of the TARDIS.

"Just step back. Rose, do as I say, and get back. She's dying and you know what happens next" Jack says.

"What do you mean? She can't" Donna says.

"Oh, no. I came all this way" Rose says.

"What do you mean, what happens next?" Donna asks.

"Here we go. Good luck, Seer" Jack says.

"Will someone please tell me what is going on?" Donna asks.

"When either the Doctor or the Seer is dying, their er, their body, it repairs itself. It changes. But you can't let her do this!" Rose says, looking at the Doctor.

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