
Bắt đầu từ đầu

In that moment I left the room, tears pricking at the corner of my eyes.

"I'm not feeling too well... I'll leave early today if that's okay with you."

"Of course. You really don't look well, take a good rest.", Nanamori assured me, patting my shoulder.

"Thank you..."

But the feeling of quilt didn't let me go.

I set off, running after Colon into the room where he was apparently taking a nap, barging in.
Had I known I would catch him half-naked, though, not wearing a shirt, I would have thought twice about my actions.


I jumped onto him, tackling him onto the bed behind us, my tears falling onto his handsome features while my arms didn't let go of him.
I was hugging him as close as possible, refusing to let go.

"H-Hey, don't just come in while I'm changing-!"

"I'm sorry... I-I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry... Please, I'm sorry..."

"Shhh, it's fine..."

His arms draped around my waist while his hot breath hit my neck, whispering 'it's fine' into my ear over and over to calm me down.

"That you're crying and came running back to me shows me how much you like me."

"I really like you! Although not in the way you want me to... I can't pretend nothing happened."

"I cant, either. I love you too much. I love you. It feels so good to finally say it, haha..."

"Colon... I'm so sorry..."

"Don't worry, I feel better now that I've said it."

His grip around my waist got tighter as he used his other hand to wipe my tears.

"I don't hate satomi, if that's what you're worried about. As long as he makes you happy."

I smiled.
Colon really was a good friend.

"Can you get off now? I'm still not wearing a shirt..."

"O-Oh, s-sure!"

I got off as quickly as I barged into the room and apologized for attacking him so suddenly.

"Haha, it's fine. Hey... We'll stay friends, yeah?"

"The bestest."

He grinned as he pulled a shirt over his head.

"Thanks. And now-", he started, dramatically pointing his pointy finger at me.

"Go get your tiger and be happy with him!"

"T-Tiger? Oh... I will! Just you wait!!"

"Good, I'll be waiting! Go get him girl!"

We fist-bumped and I took off to run after Satomi.

'He didn't leave work yet, he can't be far...!", I thought while increasing my speed to catch up to him.



I finally caught him in the hallway two floors below SutoPuri's office, sipping on an energy drink.

"C-Can we go to your place...?"


"So... Colon has a crush on you?"


"I see..."

I turned silent, still processing what happened an hour earlier.
It seemed too surreal to be true.

"He... He told me to be happy with you..."

"Heh, so you do love me?", he teased me, but the look in my eyes turned him silent.

I wasn't in the mood to joke around.

"I'm sorry... But, hey. Look at me."

Although I didn't want to, there was something about him that I couldn't refuse, no matter how hard I tried.
When I looked him in the eye, the overwhelming gentleness and the pity almost made me cry.
It felt like he didn't even need to say anything, to find the right words, no, the look in his eyes was enough to tell me - "Everything will be okay."

"It's not your fault this happened. It's not his or mine, either. Things like this happen in life. It's not bad nor good, it's just normal. Don't blame yourself or anyone else for hurting his feelings, okay? He knows how much you like him and he'll eventually come to accept the way things are. He'll be happy if you're happy, so don't cry in front of him or apologize but rather make sure you'll be happy - For him and yourself."

I listened intensively to every word he said, my waterfall of tears increasing with everything that left his lips.

The lips that touched mine earlier...

"... Thank you, Satomi. Can you make me happy, then?"

I blushed while asking him, but I felt it was the right moment to take the initiative.

"... Of course.", he smirked, feeling like he finally won after trying to make me admit my feelings for him for months already.

"So you do love me?", he asked again, this time with an honest smile instead of a grin.

"O-Of course, idiot..."

He pulled me into a hug, resting his head on my shoulder while I put mine on his chest.
We stayed like this for a while before I went back home and fell asleep immediately due to everything that happened today.


The next day, since Satomi couldn't hold back, we told everyone that we were officially dating.
Everyone congratulated us and spurted out things like "Finally!", but I couldn't keep my eyes off Colon.
But, different from what I thought, he didn't seem as down as yesterday and his smile was an honest one, wishing us all the best and repeating his words from yesterday - As long as he makes me happy.

And, that, I was sure of.
This man beside me would make me happy, until the end of our days.


Uhm, hello
Here, have a Satomi oneshot
I hope you enjoyed

Also, I hope you're all doing okay during these times!
I once again apologize for being very inactive and try to write more now besides doing my school stuff!

Also I'm playing Identity V since a few weeks ago, hit me up if you wanna play... 👀

Have a great day!!

Utaite OneShots [On Hold]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ