🎈 Shima//志麻 🎂

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Tomorrow was the birthday of my beloved boyfriend and popular utaite Shima.
As I was wondering what to do for his birthday, I decided to pay him a visit and simply ask him.

"Nee, Mashii... Do you have any wishes for your birthday? What do you wanna do?"

"Hmmm~ Let's go ice skating."

"Really? Do you even know how to ice skate?"

"Ehhhh~? Of course I doooo~"

"Okay, then... Let's go ice skating tomorrow!!"


Today was the day.

'I'm so excited!', I thought while waiting for him to arrive at the stadium.

We decided to meet up there, rather than him arriving at my place and ruining my surprise.
Of course I got him a present, what kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't?

As I was waiting I pondered about his reaction to my present.

'Would he be surprised? Happy? Both? What if he doesn't like it? Hmmm...'

After a couple of minutes he finally decided to show up and thus stopped my train of thoughts.

"Hey Mashii!! Happy birthday to the best boyfriend I could have wished for!!"

I ran up to him and threw myself in his arms, hugging and holding onto him as if my life depended on this.

"Woah woah~! Thanks, princess...", he smiled as he hugged me back.

"Hehe... Do you want your gift now or later~?"

"Hmmm...", he hummed, "I'd say later, 'cus I also have something for you."

"Eeehh~? But it's your birthday!!"

"I know, but what would I be worth without you?"

I blushed hard upon hearing these words.

Everytime I'm around him, I can't help but smile and be happy.
I'm so glad I met him.

"So, wanna go in?"

"Y-Yes, of course!"


"Which shoe size do you need?", the receptionist asked.

"Uh, Shima? I'll go in first, alright?"

"Yeah, sure, I'll be there in a few."

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