🎈 Soraru//そらる 🎂

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I'm using his real name (At least I think it's his real name, jpopasia says so lol) here, so please don't feel confused!
Also this one is really short, I'm sorry >_<


"T-Takeru...? I-I have to tell you something... So... Happy birthday, and... I love you."

Though I did expect him to answer at least something, I didn't receive a reply.

'Well, what did I hope for? I probably just ruined his birthday...', I thought.

As I tried to hang up, I noticed that my phone actually died.

'So... Would he answer me if the call was still going? Or rather, did he even hear my confession...?"

I threw myself on my bed after thinking for what felt like hours.
After two actual hours had passed, I heard my door bell ringing.

'Who the hell...?', I thought, clearly annoyed.

While trying to get up, the door bell rang again.

"I'M ON MY WAY, DAMMIT.", I shouted, hoping the person in front of my door would notice I'm in a bad mood and eventually leave.

But unfortunately, my plan didn't work out as anticipated.

"Who is it and what do you- T-Takeru..."

I was so shocked after opening my door that I nearly fell backwards.

"Wh-What are you doing here!? I-It's your birthday! And besides, you live two hours apart from here!"

"That's why I'm kinda late. Sorry."

"Don't apologize- What are you even doing here...?", I sighed, already exhausted from talking.

"Your phone died apparently, so I came over to give you an answer."


"Yeah. You already forgot?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, you must have misheard something..."

"(Y/N)... Don't play dumb. You confessed to me. Stay true to your feelings."

"I-I... I don't want to, it's emberassing..."

"And you think taking two hours to visit and tell you that I love you too isn't?"

"S-Say what?"


"No, you idiot! D-Did you just say 'I love you too'...?"

"Well, I did say that..."

"But you didn't mean it?"

"Th-That's not what I meant..."

"So you really didn't mean it..."

"I didn't mean that I don't mean it, you stupid human being!"

"First, I don't get where you're going with this. Second, OUCH."

"*sigh*... Yeah, sorry... Okay, listen, I'm not gonna repeat myself, got it? I... I like you... A lot..."

"T-Takeru... Do you really mean it...? You're not saying this to pity me?"

"I-I said I'm not going to repeat it..."

"... I love you. I really do. So, if you're being honest right now... I guess we are a thing now?", I smiled slyly.

"Oh, then does that compensate for me not getting you anything for your birthday? I mean, I'm practically your birthday gift now.", I grinned.

"Just die already."


There you have Sorarun being the tsundere he is~

I'm sorry it's so short T-T
Forgive meh pleaseee

Happy Birthday Sorarun!! ❤🎉🎂🎈🎁🎊
You're literally so adorable, my fangirl feels are overflowiiiiiinggggg~
I hope you have a great day, may the next year also be awesome!

Meow! 😺

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