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"(Y/N)-chan, you wanna go home together?"

"Quit calling me that already! Didn't I tell you to stop bothering me!?"

It was the same every day.
(Y/N) would try to live a calm life but he would always try to interfere.
Why, you ask?

Because he 'loves' her.

"I was just-"

"Just WHAT, goddamnit!? I fucking hate you, so leave me alone already! Sick bastard."


Furious and overflowing with emotions she left the scene and immediately went home.
She didn't know why, but a single tear dropped onto the floor she was moving on as the day slowly came to an end.


At home she dropped all things she was carrying to the floor and threw herself onto the bed.

She realized that she couldn't just drop her burdens and worries like this, though.

Sighing, she turned around and around, unable to sleep.
Why did she cry back then?
There could be many possibilities, but it probably just was the tiredness and stress.

... Right?


The next morning, as she went to school, her eyes often landed on the male she couldn't stop thinking about.

Just because she hates him, of course.

Her cheeks blush out of fury, her eyes sparkle when she sees him just because the ideas of taking revenge on him are bubbling up in her mind, she's nervous everytime he talks to or smiles at her because she knows she can't hide her hatred.

But why does she hate him in the first place?

It's easy.

"Shima-kun, you look so cool!"

"Eh, really? Thank you!"

He's not ashamed to admit that he's handsome.

"Maashii, you're so mean!"

"Ehhh!? I'm not I'm not!"

He doesn't care how his friends feel.

"Oh, I got 65 points in maths."

He's stupid.

That are only a few reasons why she started to hate him, but it's enough for her to do so.
She doesn't understand why everyone is crazy about him and especially not why he is crazy about her.

But after all that time that she spent thinking about this she realized - he didn't look at her once today.

What was wrong?
Has he finally given up?

'Finally...', she thought.

But why was there this odd feeling of loneliness accompanying her?
Why did her eyes burn?
Why did she feel like crying again?

She hated him...





"You seem out of it lately. Did something happen?", his blonde friend asked, obviously worried about his best friend's condition.

"Yeah, he's right. And that girl you like is always crying after school. Did you ditch her or something?", Kuro added.

"... What did you just say? She's crying?"

"Yeah, I don't know why, though. Care to explain?"

"... I'll be right back."


His friends watched in confusion as the purple-haired ran out of the school gates.


She turned her head, tears framing her face, a hint of guilt flashing in her eyes.
As she saw who it was that called her, her eyes widened in shock and she immidiately took of.

"Wait! (Y/N), please!", he shouted in an attempt to stop her but she kept on running away from him.

Frustrated, he dropped his bag and started running after her.
Being the athlete he is it didn't take long for him to catch up, so he grabbed her wrist, gently, to try and calm her down.

"(Y/N)... Is everything alright? What happened?"

"I don't wanna talk to you!"

"Please, act rational for once! I can't leave you all by yourself when you're crying!"

"I'm not crying!"

"Yes, you are!"

"Fuck off!!"

She tried freeing herself from his grip but it was too strong.

"Please... I don't want to hurt you. Would you please listen to me?"


He took her silence as consent.

"Okay, I- ... I don't know why you hate me so much and honestly? It hurts. It hurts so fucking much that I should be the one crying right now. I think I've never really told you face to face but I love you, so I refuse to watch you be in pain like this. Whatever happened or whoever did this to you will fucking regret this when I'm done with them, okay? So please... Tell me what's going on with you, just this once."

As he finished his last sentence (Y/N) couldn't take it anymore and fell apart.
Slomping onto the ground her tears came to no end, but she didn't bother at this point anymore.

"I hate you... I hate you...!"

"I know, I know...", he whispered soothingly as he caressed her head, holding her safe in his arms.

Eventually, after what felt like hours, her tears dried and both let out a sigh.
They were sitting there, in the middle of day, arm in arm on the pavement, but it didn't feel awkward to them.
On the contrary-
Nothing could have felt better for them than finally being with the one they loved.

"... Do you want to tell me what happened, now?"


"You don't have to. I could just bring you home, and-"

"It's you."


"I thought I hated you and said these terrible things to you, I'm so unbelievably sorry!"

"It's fine, it's fine, shh..."

He embraced her tighter, whispering small nothings into her ear.

"It's okay... What made you think otherwise?"

"... I noticed that you avoided me. I kept on looking at and thinking over you. There wasn't a second where I didn't. I realized I was wrong and felt like crying for days."


"I love you, Shima. All these things I thought I hated about you were just the things that I love about you so much."

"(Y/N), I-"

"I don't expect you to still like me after all this. Just know, that- Mhhm-!?"

"Don't ever say something so stupid again."

He used his lips to shush her, pressing them gently but with light pressure onto hers.
She slowly closed her eyes, a single tear drop making its way down her cheek again.
But this time it was out of joy, not sadness.


Happy New Year my fellas!! 🎉🎊

I know the OneShot sucks lol
Gotta improve my writing over the year ww
I just really wanted to upload again since it's been a while
The next oneshot is going to be a collab with lillylelo again and will hopefully uploaded soon!

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