🍂🎃 [19th] un:c//あんく 🍂🎃

264 15 13

"I swear to god if I have to listen to this bullshit one more time I'm gonna throw fists. COULD YOU FUCK YOUR GIRLFRIEND A LITTLE QUIETER DAMN SHITHEAD!? GAAAHHH!"

I slammed my head into the pillows in hopes of finally falling asleep, but the banging and grunting never stopped.

I had new neighbor, who, apparently, had a few kinks he had live out with whomever.
I don't care about the weird stuff he does, I really couldn't care less, but if that means that I don't get my sleep at night I get really, really pissed.

"That's it! That's fucking it! No, I'm done! You'll see what monster you've created."

I got out of my bed, threw some clothes on and stomped over to next doors.
I banged onto the door with full strengh, ready to punch whoever opens the door in the face.
But all of a sudden the door opened and a cute guy was standing in the entrance.

"Uhm... Yes...?"

I was taken aback as I heard his cute voice whisper - since it was already late - and blushed a bit.

"A-Ah, yes, uhm- No, I'm supposed to be angry! What the fuck do you think you're doing at this hour!? You can have fun all you want but please be goddamn quiet at this time!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know I was annoying someone... You're right, it's too late to do something like that..."

What does he mean by 'too late for something like that'?
It's normal to do that at night, I just told him to be quieter!

"No, it's fine, I just... I need my sleep, okay? And I don't want to hear the stuff you and your girlfriend are doing in there.", I sighed, already sensing a headache coming.

"Huh? Me and my- But I don't even have a girlfriend!"

"Then your boyfriend, I don't care."

"Wha- But I'm not gay! What do you even think I'm doing-!?"

"Having 'fun'...?"

"Oh my god, no!! I've been-"

He interrupted himself, looking around the hallway.

"Just come in for a second!"

He gently took my wrist and dragged me inside.

"Hey, wai- Wait..."

I was standing in his living room, nails lying everywhere and a ladder standing in the center of the room.
As I looked around I saw beautiful paintings on the walls.

"Yes, I've been hanging up my own paintings, and not what you thought I was doing..."

He avoided meeting my gaze and scratched his neck nervously.

"These are... Your paintings?"

"Yes, I drew them myself."

"That's awesome! I'm so sorry of accusing you for something you didn't do!"

"It's fine.", he smiled, immediately making my heart skip a beat.

'He's so cute...', I thought to myself, returning his smile.

"But still... Why do you always bang on the walls this late?"

"Well... I have to work all day and I get inspired in the evening, so..."

I sighed yet again, this time out of relief and embarrassment.

"Okay, let's make a deal; You'll stop the banging so I can sleep and I'll hang them up for you while you're out working. How does that sound? Oh, and you have to draw something for me sometime."

I reached out my hand with a warm smile, gesturing for him to reach out too and agree to the deal.

"Hmm... Sure, why not."

His hand reached mine as he returned the smile.

After some blabbering I went back to my apartment, changed into my pyjamas again and threw myself onto the bed.

"Finally some good fucking sleep..."

I closed my eyes and drifted off into my well earned slumber.


Why so bad

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