Reading Night #4 - 🍋 AraNaru//あらなる 🍋

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Requested by Freboredom

(collaboration with tbt_92)

The fairly busy stream of people flowing in different directions only increased in speed, making it hard for some to stick to their companions while also having to manage their luggage.

The airport's peak business hours had already faded away a while ago.
Though, still, at around ten at night, most of the space available was occupied by busy travellers.
Some travelled for fun, some were on business trips.
There were groups, as well as single travellers.

One could easily tell a first-time traveller and an already experienced one apart.

The latter would confidently stroll around, having a set target destination, and not be as fazed by the great amount of people all in one place.

While not-so-experienced travellers, on the other hand...

... Were usually the exact opposite.

Intimidated by the never resting crowd, nqrse clutched the grip of his suitcase tighter, dragging it beside him as it made the same, annoying noise as everyone else's, creating an even louder atmosphere.

He was trying to stick to his group as he tried not to show his nervosity, as he usually proved to be composed and unfazed by most things.

Though, it really made him lose his mind.

The people,

Their buzzing talking,

Hasty travellers bumping into each other as they try to catch their flight,

the frequent flight announcements,

It only amplified his stress level, making him dread the actual part of the trip even more.

For him, the busy airport was one thing.

Though, the flight would be a whole new challenge.

Just thinking about it, thinking about having to sit in a plane on a three hour plus flight to beijing, on a plane, nowhere near the safe, safe ground, it already made him want to just turn around and go back home.

Though, even if he wanted to, he did not want to ditch this concert.

"Are you okay?"

The elder turned to the younger, concern and worry written all over his face.
He knew his friend was afraid of flying with a plane since that one time he got caught in a typhoon so he wanted to do his best to comfort him.

"I-I'm fine..."

Of course he wasn't.

His hands were trembling and Araki swore he could even see cold sweat running down his neck.
That incident was weighing really heavy on the younger and he couldn't seem to overcome it.


"Hey, you two! Hurry up or we'll miss our flight!", Senra called from further away, rushing everyone to hurry.

Quickly, the group fastened their pace.

nqrse almost lost grip of his luggage as he felt his palms getting sweaty with every moment they neared departure.

Though, the time before they entered the plane went by way too quickly for his own good.

Checking in,

Securing their luggage,

Walking ahead the long, straight line towards the plane, along with many other passengers.

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