Ch.35- Green is an ugly color

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                           Outfit of the day

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Outfit of the day

Normani's POV

A week later

Through out the week, Y/n was able to get in contact with a lawyer about her friends case and she was able to bail her out. Billie, Brian and I were in the her mom's urus to go pick her up. I could tell they didn't know what was going on between me and Y/n but they were catching on to her cold shoulder.

"Alright we're here guys. Indigo is a pretty nice person, she's funny and cool so Billie I think you guys would get along good and Brian she said she vibes with your music so I think you might have a chance." She winked at Brian through the rear-view mirror.

We were waiting at the main gate until it opened and two guards and a short girl walked out. Billie tapped Y/n and as soon as she saw the girl she ran up to her and picked her up. Y/n slowly spun as they hugged, you could tell they had a close relationship. The girl was clutching on to Y/n's fuzzy hoodie like she thought she'd never see her again.

"Guys, This is Indigo. Indigo this is Billie, Brian and um...Normani" We all waved at her in a welcoming matter.

"Oh and before I forget, Happy Birthday, Love." Y/n pulled out a two small boxes from her jogger pocket and handed it to Indigo. "I know how much you said you liked jewelry." Indigo's face lit up once she opened the box and pulled out an indigo teardrop necklace.

"Oh my god, Y/n-"

"Look in the other box." She opened the box and the smile on her face was even wider. In it was a custom 14k ring that looked exactly like-

"The indigo lantern power ring, you remembered." Indigo turned to hug her again and I'd be lying if I said the sight of Y/n showing her so much affection made my blood boil.

Billie fist bumped her ecstatically, "Yooo, happy birthday dude. How old are you ?".

"18." Indigo blushed as she clutched her presents.

"But you told me you were already 18" Y/n deflected.

"Okay so I was 17, I like to claim the age I'm about to turn." She shrugged before her attention turned to the car and soon she was running towards it with her hand intertwined with Y/n's

"Dude she seems cool as fuck." Billie whispered to Brian while they walked to the car.

Great, I seem to be the only one with their panties in a twist.


When I say today has been a complete nuisance, I truly mean it and the day isn't even done yet. After we left the prison, we went to Six Flags Magic Mountain and then we went apartment shopping for her and of course Y/n just had to adopt a dog for Indigo since she loved dogs so much. I'm sure if Indigo said she thought a sports car was cute, Y/n would be quick to buy it. I just know deep down, during their time in that prison they must've fucked, I can tell by the way they act together and just the idea, the thought of that being a reality made my blood boil.

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