Ch.8- I kinda wanna kill you, is that ok ?

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Normani's POV

Waking up in her arms felt...natural, you know ?

It felt like this was exactly how life was meant to be.

Just me, Y/N and Forest, cuddling up together in her bed.

When Forest decided to join us ? I don't know but I wasn't complaining, he's such a cutie.

I was staring at her like it was the last time I was going to and in some ways it felt like that.

Sometimes I feel like one day, She's gonna realize how boring I am and replace me with someone else, find a new friend, a better friend.

I mean hell, she's already doing it with Ariana.

I've known Y/N three days longer than Ariana yet they are much more closer than Her and I are and it's not fair. I use to look up to Ariana and now I just lowkey despise her, actually that's a really strong word...I envy her with a burning passion.

She gets to hang around Y/N and hug up on her, even cuddle her without being giving a doubt. Y/N just lets her because of how close they are but only I see the way she looks at her, I know it's only a matter of time before
Y/N unintentionally replaces me with Ariana and then starts getting distant with me and then they start dating and then they get married and have a kid and then get another dog and live a happy life while I just sit in the shadows being an ugly cat lady and sulking because I didn't say anything when the priest asked if anyone wanted to object.

"Stop staring, creep" She smiles with her eyes still closed. I push away any naughty thoughts that could've surfaced after hearing that oh so sexy raspy voice and bring my hand up to caress her cheek.

She smiles again before it abruptly despairs and a look of discomfort surfaces her face as she reaches down to adjust herself under the covers.

"Move bitch get out the way" She yell playfully as she jumps out of bed and grabs her phone to check the time.

I subtly check her out, my eyes looking over every inch of her body before my eyes stop at the huge, huge, lengthy tent in her basketball shorts. Morning wood is definitely a blessing in my eyes.

"Wanna touch it or something ?" She smirked at me and winked as she saw the blush creep into my face.

"I promise it won't hurt, it only brings pleasure" She winks again before laughing.

She's cut short though when a surge of confidence hits me and I grab her member, rubbing it slowly.

"Bring me pleasure then" I wink at her and smirk when I see how flustered she gets.

She clears her throat before pushing my hand away and waddling to the bathroom.

"I don't understand why y'all keep grabbing my dick, but when I wanna grab your ass or when my dick accidentally slips into your pussy, y'all wanna get mad. Tuh, the double standards" She muttered the last part under her breath but I still heard it.

I walk towards her closet and pick out one of her hockey jerseys, I think...I never know anymore.

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