Ch.30- I hate you

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Your POV

A month later

"Y/n please, let's just finish this episode then it'll be your turn." Indigo pleaded.

" said that 15 fucking episodes ago." I ran to one side of the room trying to catch her but she dodged me quickly.

"Y/n it's so good please just watch it with me before they take it off netflix." She jumped onto her bed, trying to avoid me again.

"Indigo...give me the fucking controller, we've been watching the office for 5 hours straight." I cornered her bed.

"Noooo look, look Micheal is being mean to Dwight." She pointed at the tv.

"HE DOES THAT EVERY EPISODE!" I pounced onto her bed and grabbed her hand, prying the controller from her.

The door to our cell opened and our favorite guard stood at the door.

"Y/n you have a visitor." Officer Smith stood in the doorway.

I dusted off my clothes and threw the remote at Indigo. "Fucking bitch." She muttered.

Smith and I walked to the visiting room. He opened the door for me and let me go through first.

"So...who am I here for ?"

"Me." I turned and saw the same person who got me in this shithole.

"What the fuck are you doing here ? I don't want to talk to you."

"Y/n, please sit. I just want to talk." Ariana pleaded.

"What do you want ?" I sat across from her.

"How are you liking the room ?"

"Are you fucking serious ? It was you ? Fuck this, I'm out of here." She grasped at my arm before I could fully get up.

"Please...I-I want to apologize, I had to do it-" I looked at her with pure disgust.

"You didn't have to do shit."

"No, Y/n he blackmailed me. I don't know how but he's been planning this for sometime. he has a sex tape of us and secrets about your dad that he threatened to tell to the public-" I sat down again, fully indulged in what she had to say.

"Why would he be conspiring against me ? I've never even met him." I countered, it just didn't make sense.

"But Y/ have. You don't remember being friends with a kid with a skin condition when you were younger ?"

"Yeah...but that couldn't have been Michael, his name was Anton." She pulled some papers out of her bag and slide them to me.

"No it was Michael. I had a PI do some digging and this is everything I found. You guys got into some trouble when you were younger right ? Some trouble with the law ?"

"Uh...yeah, we spray painted some graffiti on public buildings and trespassed a few times, shoplifted a what ?" I flipped through the pictures of Micheal.

"Then all of the sudden 'Anton' just stopped coming to school, stopped leaving his house and just stopped existing right ?" I nodded slowly.

"Y/n...did you an 'Anton' ever sell things at school ?"

"Yeah, cookies and brownies...we made a lot of money. Why ?"

"Those were made with weed...'Anton' was a drug dealer and he got caught. There was a whole investigation and the police found out even more. He was in a gang and he killed a few people. Police found the gun he used in his locker and he got arrested and tried as an adult...He just got out of prison last year and he's been plotting to ruin your life because he believes you snitched on him and you took his dream life."

I flipped through his files and Ariana was right. He shot two people, ultimately killing them and assaulted one with a deadly weapon but they lived and testified against him.

"But I didn't, I didn't even know we were selling edibles, I thought it was just food. We were in 9th grade for fucks sake." Officer Smith held a hand on my shoulder.

"He wants your life...He wants his life back. He forced me to be his girlfriend, to have sex with him. Y/n I never wanted to do anything with. I didn't want him to expose you or put you in danger. I'm not asking you to forgive me or get back together with me, but i'm just asking you to understand."  She softly grabbed my hand.

"I'm sorry Y/n, but times up." I looked up at him and nodded.

"Y/n, I'm working on this. I'm gonna get you out of here. One way or another."

"Um...thanks, I need time to process all this but, just be safe." I gave her a small smile before leaving the visiting room.

"So what are you gonna do ?" Smith asked me.

"Well there's nothing that I can do. I'm on the inside and everyone is on the outside. The only thing that I can do is sit back and observe, maybe hope for the best." I shrugged as we turned to my cell.

I could still hear Dwights annoying voice through the cell door.

"Wow...Y/n you're back." I had already pounced onto her bed and snagged the remote.

"Fuck this we're gonna watch Empire."

"Noooooo." She whined.

"Yessssss, but only the first 4 seasons, everything else is trash."

"Now that is something we can agree on." We settled in her bed while Hakeem sung the lyrics to "Drip Drop".

" wanna talk about it ?"

"Not really, to sum it up an old friend from when I was younger believes I snitched on him and stole his dream life and decided to blackmail my ex into testifying and landing me in jail. NO LUCIUS GET COOKIE OUT OF THERE." I yelled at the Tv.

"Wow...that's a lot-"

"Oh and he basically raped her and forced her to become his girlfriend to carry out the plan."

"Considering our it bad that I really wanna beat the fuck out of this guy ?" Indigo asked in a hushed tone.

"Don't worry...I do too." I laughed.

She wrapped her arms around me, trying her best to comfort me.

"You really like giving hugs huh ?" I hugged her back, rubbing up and down her shoulder.

"Yeah, they just feel nice." She snuggled more into me.

"Don't fall asleep on me now." I warned but it was too late, I could already hear her soft snores and her breath evening out.

I smiled down at her before I ultimately fell into a deep sleep too.


Let me warn all of you now...Y/n and Indigo will NOT and will NEVER be in a relationship cause I know with the way I write about their relationship a lot of you guys might think they will.

How y'all liking prison tho 💀

Give me some suggestions of things you want to happen in the story...i might just scribble them in to the plot 🌚👀

Pwease don't be mad at me for the whole Ariana thing 😪

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