Ch.34- A Whole New World

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Your POV

I handed the driver a $100 as I exited his uber. Being home again was something I wanted so bad but I was nervous for whatever reason.

Billie had told me once on the phone that since I was in prison everyone was usually at her house so that's where I came first. Hoping I'd see everyone at once.

I knocked on her mahogany door, stuffing my hands in my pockets while I waited for someone to open it.

"Oh gosh I forgot was it $15 or $20 that I owe- Oh my god, Y/n" Maggie's face turned bright with joy as she pulled me in for a hug.

"Everyone, Y/n's back." They all came running from whatever location in the house they were to the porch and pounced on me.

"Well then, I guess I should go to prison more if I'm gonna get a greeting like this." They all hugged even tighter until Maggie broke it up again and pulled me into the house.

"Honey how ya holding up ? You okay ? Make any friends ?"

"Mom, literally it's prison not kindergarten." Billie rolled her eyes at her mom.

"I mean you do kind of have to make friends in there, Billie." I pointed out smartly.

"Thank you, you are right." Maggie smiled at me while Billie only blankly stared.

"tHanK yOu, yOu aRe riGHt." Billie mocked.

"But yes Maggie, I did make a friend. Her name is Indigo." My stomach jumped at the sound of her name leaving my mouth.

"And speaking of Indigo...I have to get her out." I was set on getting her out, I made a promise and I'll never go back on that.

"Now Y/n, you only just got out. That's what you want to focus on ?" Patrick asked worriedly but I could only nod, I was sure about this and I've been set on it since Indigo first told me her story.

"What's she even in there for ?" Brian piped up.

"Assault but she was saving her friend and now she's getting 2 or more years for one punch." It was frustrating to even talk about it.

"Well what can we do to help ?" Chicago said from his spot.

" can't do anything. I'm gonna talk with a lawyer and see if I can bail her out but I can't rest until she's out." Everyone nodded in understanding before it was quiet again.

"Speaking of exactly did I get out ?" The question caused a few eyes to gaze at one person in the room...


"God you guys couldn't be more obvious. Yes, I helped to get you out but it was only with the help of everyone and-" She paused to imitate puking. "Ariana" She finished off with a disgusted look.

The doorbell rang again and Maggie got up to retrieve the pizza.

While everyone scrambled for a slice I took the opportunity to talk to Normani. "Well, How shall I thank you my savior ?" I smiled down at her from the arm chair.

"Well for starters maybe you could-" Out of nowhere she paused and covered her mouth.

"Are you okay ?" She didn't even get to answer me or at least an answer that wasn't retching. She got up and ran to the bathroom but I didn't know whether to go with her or stay here.

"Where'd Normani go ?" Finneas asked midway through his pizza.

"To puke." I shrugged, reaching for the pizza box but a hand slapped it off before I could even touch the crust.

"Go see if she's okay, you fuckhead" Billie snatched the pizza box away from me aggressively.

"Fine but you should really try using better names to insult me with. "Fuck head" ? really ?"

As I walked up the stairs to their bathroom I truly hoped she didn't puke as much. After watching the first episode of Santa Clarita Diet, the amount of vomit I saw has haunted me. I probably have a phobia of vomit now.

"Knock still alive ?" My knuckles slightly grazed the door before I was met with Normani's sick face.

"You okay ?"

"Yes i'm definitely okay, I just came up here to puke cause I wanted to lose weight." She rolled her eyes at me and pushed her way past me.

"Um what's going on ? A second ago you were happy and now you're like...angry. I don't like this hostility, Mani." I strolled after, her behavior change came out of nowhere and I hate to be that person but maybe...just maybe...she's on her

"Is it the red sea ?" I couldn't even finish my sentence before a sneaker came flying my way, good thing I played football in high school.

I held the all white shoe delicately, checking to make sure there were no creases. "What is up with everyone throwing shoes, and air forces too ? Mani you know how much I love fazos, why would you disrespect them like this-"

"I'm pregnant."

"Yeah with a food baby, whose the father." I twirled the white shoe in my hands like a football.

"Y/n can you be fucking mature for once, I'm pregnant and it's yours." The shoe dropped from my hand to the floor and tumbled around a few times before finally setting in a position.

"How long..." I played with my fingers as I tried to give her as much eye contact as I possibly could.

"What ?"

"How fucking long, Kordei." My hand came in harsh contact with the wall and I wanted to apologize so bad when I saw her flinch but right now, I was in a different mindset.

"2 and a half months." The scoff I let out held all the anger I could possibly be feeling right now.

"So all those times you came to visit me, it never crossed your fucking mind to let me know about an unborn child ? more specifically a child that I helped to create ? What exactly would have happened if I hadn't come to the house today to see you throw up, huh ? You were just not gonna tell me until you were so late in the pregnancy that I just had to drop everything and be a mother ? You weren't gonna give me anytime to prepare ?" My fist clenched with every point I made, every time I stated a point my blood boiled because the situation was even more fucked up.


"I-I yeah I bet you are speechless. How would you feel if you were in my position ? I bet you wouldn't feel great." She tried to reach for my arm but I couldn't even look at her.

"You know what, I can't do this right now. I can't even look at you. I...I need space, I can promise you I'll be there and I'll be in my child's life, I'll
be a mother but I just can't be around you right now." I nervously bit my lip and stuffed my hands in my pockets. I jogged down the steps and just as my fingers grazed the door handle, I heard the voice of Billie and Brian.

"Where you going so fast ? You okay ?" They both stood in the middle of the hallway with their arms crossed like creepy twins.

"Um yeah, I'm gonna head home. Believe me, I'll tell you guys when I can but I need space to let everything sink in for now." They nodded understandingly and attacked me in a bear hug.

"We love you, all right bozo ?" Billie rocked us
side to side.

"Yeah alright." I chuckled as we separated.

I waved a final goodbye to them and walked through the door with a lot more on my mind than when I came in.

How the hell am I gonna raise a child ?

Question of the chapter....

Do you think Y/n has a right to be mad 🤭

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